Hotel New Mitoya i Sendai

JapanHotel New Mitoya


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Yakushi-102 Akiumachi Yumoto, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0241, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 22-398-2301
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.2270747, Longitude: 140.7195304

kommentar 5

  • Pascal Favre

    Pascal Favre


    A special thank you to Saitoh, for his warm welcome and all the attention and assistance he gave us through his professionalism and availability

  • Yvonne Hung

    Yvonne Hung


    Like the hot Spring here and the private 湯屋was the best. Since we have a toddler with us, there has a kid's shower gel for the kids. We had a wonderful night staying in the hotel. And the dinner was nice too.

  • Ceres



    I stayed here about a year or so ago and never got around to writing a review. I have to say, it was disgusting. Avoid at all costs.

  • Brandon Virgo

    Brandon Virgo


    Great service, i went here recently and the onsen made me feel really relaxed. The dinner was also great, I was a bit scared I wouldn't be full but the courses left me satisfied.

  • Johan Gatoman

    Johan Gatoman


    Upscale and pricier Onsen. Large selection for breakfast, dinner was good and filling. A beautiful/gorgeous hotel with rotational onsen areas. 3 onsen areas which they alternate for example morning is female and evening choice of 2 for female and opposite for males. There is a pool for lap swimming and families to hangout together.

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