Takahashi Dental Clinic w Suginami City

JaponiaTakahashi Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒166-0001 Tokyo, Suginami City, Asagayakita, 1-chōme−31−12 メゾン芙蓉 102
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3336-8004
strona internetowej: www.implant-tdc.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.708534, Longitude: 139.635654

komentarze 5

  • しなだとしあき



    It was the worst I didn't listen to what I was saying and was treated with a strangely confident attitude, but the pain didn't go away and I had to go to the hospital every day for two weeks, and then I went home and was sore. It was so bad that I couldn't bear it anymore By the way, when I went to another dentist, my condition improved the same day. Marathon record certificates and certificates written in English are displayed to show off, but I don't understand what they mean. The treatment equipment is also old-fashioned and just terrible.

  • rush sugar

    rush sugar


    I was very scared after reading the reviews, but I went to see a doctor because I thought I couldn't change my back and stomach. The receptionist, dental hygienist, and doctor were all very pleasant, and after taking X-rays, they listed a number of possible causes for the current pain, and took my wishes into account. I also received treatment. I think this is the point of going to the hospital. As an amateur, I have no idea what the cause is... I'm glad I now know what I need to be careful about in my future life. I was given proper pain medication and learned about the precautions to take when taking it. Thanks to you, I am still able to live my life without the pain coming back. When I edited it, the reply you wrote disappeared 💦 Sorry...!

  • あらいくま



    I received a free medical examination from the ward, so I went for it. We talked about quitting smoking the whole time. I'm not a smoker to begin with. . w

  • 芸術学子



    I had my wisdom teeth removed here, and the upper teeth were removed in just 3 seconds. I think he has good hands.

  • 高橋高橋



    The doctor's attitude is the worst. While checking my teeth, I was told within a few minutes that they couldn't treat me like that, and that I would have to make another appointment today if I was going to teach them how to brush my teeth (leaving it to the dental assistant). (I honestly just said it hurt because I felt a little bit of pain.) In the end, they charged me 1,000 yen just for a few minutes of checking. And it's disgusting because he never sucks in his saliva. . . That's normal, right? I'll never go there again. This time I went to a different dentist. The second dentist treated me without any problems. This was the worst dental clinic I've ever been to. If you are reading the reviews, you should definitely go to another dentist. I can't believe why there is a 5 star rating. Doctors don't feel like they want to cure patients.

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