Harada Dental Clinic w Shibuya City

JaponiaHarada Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒151-0061 Tokyo, Shibuya City, Hatsudai, 1-chōme−11−1 菊寿ビル 2F
kontakt telefon: +81 3-5350-6830
strona internetowej: www.harada-dentalclinic.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6796413, Longitude: 139.6869599

komentarze 5

  • 石井圭吾



    The clinic is very clean and the teachers are kind. In addition, we are highly skilled and can provide you with peace of mind.

  • Tora Chibi

    Tora Chibi


    I had a ceramic installed, but the ceramic chipped while it was being installed, and the next ceramic came off within a week, and the next ceramic came off within about 2 months. I reattached it and it lasted for a year and a half, but it came off again. Furthermore, the one that was reattached came off within 3 months. When I gave up and went to another dentist, he told me that ceramic might not be suitable due to the location and size, so I decided to get a resin one. The ceramic, which cost more than 70,000 yen, was thrown away in less than two years. Before this happened, I wish Mr. Harada had given me some guidance on the validity of ceramics. I feel like I wasted time and money by going to the doctor every time it came off and paying for the treatment. It's a shame that even though it was a very small cavity, it was removed so much. The last time I went there, they said they would check the ceramics, but instead of checking, they just took X-rays of the entire body again, and I feel like they just took away the treatment fee. Since the teacher was doing it alone, I couldn't hear other opinions. I'm currently attending a slightly larger school with multiple teachers, and I'm happy with it.

  • jazz Bizketz

    jazz Bizketz


    The doctor is friendly and provides accurate treatment. The receptionist is very polite and this is my favorite dentist ( ¨̮ )

  • 木村功之介



    I was treated very well and the doctor treated me with great care.

  • 卿可



    You will feel relaxed and satisfied with your treatment. The technology is also solid.

najbliższy Lekarz

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