White Dental Clinic Nakano w Nakano City

JaponiaWhite Dental Clinic Nakano



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒164-0003 Tokyo, Nakano City, Higashinakano, 3-chōme−8−13 MSR東中野ビル
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3366-3636
strona internetowej: www.white-nakano.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.7074125, Longitude: 139.6829616

komentarze 5

  • 美綺



    I had made a reservation for a cleaning online, but I didn't notice the email asking if it was okay to change the reservation date and time as it was fully booked, but then a few days later I received an email saying that the reservation had been canceled without any confirmation. came. I liked the cleaning staff because they did a good job, but if they treat me like this I won't go again.

  • Yuuga Ishin

    Yuuga Ishin


    The waiting room and exam room are clean, but the doctor doesn't respect the opinions of patients at all. When my tooth cracked and I went to the doctor, I was told that the only option was to have it extracted and get a bridge. I asked if there was a way to avoid having the tooth extracted, but I was clearly told that there was no way. I went home without any treatment, and when I went to another dentist the next day, he treated me in a way that saved my tooth. Rather than saying, "There is no way to avoid tooth extraction," isn't it correct to say, "With our hospital's technology, there is no way to avoid tooth extraction?" If I could afford to spend money on equipment, I would like to be as empathetic as possible to patients. Other people have also commented that the consultation fee is high, and it seems like they are all money-obsessed. I'll never go there again though.

  • Momiji Konoha

    Momiji Konoha


    I always received treatment, but when I had an emergency with a toothache that I couldn't help, I asked for a medical examination and first aid, but they just kept saying, ``Due to the coronavirus, they can't make urgent reservations, so the consultation will be in about a week.'' They even gave me first aid. I couldn't get it done.

  • Mikiko N

    Mikiko N


    I started going to the hospital about 18 years ago after being introduced to it by an acquaintance. Although the location has changed, the director remains the same, so I feel safe using the clinic. I don't want to get pyorrhea, so I have my teeth checked and cleaned every three months. I have also had my son's teeth (since 4th grade) straightened. The orthodontic teacher is in charge of the third Sunday of the month, which is very helpful for parents who work weekdays.

  • My Bui

    My Bui


    Too expensive! Doctor was arrogant, condescending, impolite. Never come back again!

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