Pearl Dental Clinic w Setagaya City

JaponiaPearl Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

5-chōme-32-2 Akatsutsumi, Setagaya City, Tokyo 156-0044, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-5300-6480
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6651822, Longitude: 139.6374369

komentarze 5

  • FriendlySealStudio



    i went in for an emergency visit on a sunday cause i had really bad and weird tooth pain, even tho i didnt speak japanese very well they helped me and answered my questions, i even got an xray, and a recomendation what to do for future to prevent my issue from happening again, very kind and gentle doctors and nurses and good price, definetly recomend,

  • しん



    ★4.4, is there ever such a high rating in dentistry? I was a little skeptical, but it turned out to be very good. I had Dr. Hayashi take care of my treatment, and I was glad that he provided me with thorough explanations and was able to receive treatment that made me feel at ease. I think I'll give you a call from now on.

  • Joape Naco

    Joape Naco


    They really helpful! Thank you

  • 菅原大斗



    ``I can't go to another dentist anymore.'' ” I have been working with you for about 7 years now, and I honestly feel the same way. In addition to treatment, we also make mouthpieces for people to wear during sports. Treatment does not end with just curing your teeth, but rather we will provide you with a friendly consultation about the cause of your tooth decay and future measures from a multifaceted perspective, including your diet and lifestyle habits. Every corner is thoroughly cleaned, and combined with the soothing music, you can have a relaxing time. There is also a children's room, so parents who are raising children can feel free to receive treatment. My living environment has changed, and it takes me about an hour and a half to go to the hospital, but I think it's a place worth taking the time to go to.

  • 浅野目静枝



    The staff has excellent hospitality and the relationship with the doctor is heartwarming🌟 We will discuss the treatment method in detail, so you can feel safe and comfortable with your treatment 😊👌🎵 Monthly cleaning to keep it sparkling clean Gently ⤴️⤴️❤️ It's a pleasant and soothing moment 😌💓 It has been evolved to allow electronic money payments, making it even more user-friendly 🍀 There is also a playground for the little ones, which is a big help for moms😍 It is highly recommended as it takes great care in terms of hygiene.

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