Tabist ホテルテトラ 北九州 en Kitakyushu

JapónTabist ホテルテトラ 北九州



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
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1-chōme-9-8 Kajimachi, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 802-0004, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 93-531-3111
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.8830235, Longitude: 130.8843968

comentarios 5

  • Arthur Leung

    Arthur Leung


    Only warm air conditioning, but it is very hot inside the room even at late Nov

  • Jordan (jordanwl)

    Jordan (jordanwl)


    Room was very dirty (mold and hair), TV was extremely old and nearly unusable, no wifi signal at all in the room and worst of all, the receptionist was rude.

  • Larry Liu

    Larry Liu


    Very average hotel. We were allocated this hotel on our tour from Taiwan. Carpets to our rooms are extremely dirty. The rooms itself were okay. Small for its size but decent enough for japan. Would have been nice if they offered tea or coffee. The heating for the room was nice and the bathroom was fully stocked with everything you’d expect. They had shampoo, bath gel and conditioner. And the typical razor and toothbrush. One major downside was that the room didn’t receive WiFi signal. So I had to ask them to move my room but he gave me a device that allowed me to create my own hotspot via the LAN cable. But this whole thing was cumbersome. They need to fix the WiFi issue. It was a huge problem for some. The breakfast was really enjoyable. It was available from 6:30am (or 6, not sure). They offered the traditional Japanese breakfast experience. Ranging from fresh fish to na dou. There is plenty to choose from. Tea, coffee and juice is available. The receptionist does speak mandarin. Average hotel. Definitely things that needs to be improved on. Wouldn’t return.

  • P3ï Ad

    P3ï Ad


    Thin walls. I enjoyed someone's moaning voices. One lift. There's no hair dryer and hand soap.

  • Patty P

    Patty P


    This hotel is an OK place to stay, abit too far to walk from Kokura station tho. The room is very small, the bathroom is too. However on the plus side, the blanket is soft and warm!

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