Szechwan Cuisine & Wine Restaurant YIFU at Osaka Nakanoshima i Osaka

JapanSzechwan Cuisine & Wine Restaurant YIFU at Osaka Nakanoshima



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3-chōme-3-23 Nakanoshima, Kita Ward, Osaka, 530-6103, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6225-2988
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Latitude: 34.693007, Longitude: 135.493652

kommentar 5

  • ゆめぞうYümezø



    Every meal was absolutely delicious. Everything is authentic, and the mapo tofu is my favorite.

  • adachiです



    Luxury lunch at the end of winter break. The course meal was delicious. The mapo tofu bowl at the end was spicy. I was the only one who ate it while sweating profusely.

  • 藤井真生



    The appetizers will get you excited. I enjoyed it with my eyes. First, we warmed up with some gentle seasoning. Shark fin sashimi is really delicious! 300g of the finest shark fin from Kesennuma was cooked in a Sichuan spicy stew instead of the usual soy sauce base. Very delicious. The spareribs that have been stewed for 3 days are sweet and go well with a little red wine. The vegetables that come with it are also a great dish, with the bitterness of the bitter gourd and the sweetness of the white corn matching. The Ezo abalone is well-cooked and is soft yet chewy! The collagen-rich Achilles served next to it will surely make my skin plump tomorrow. . I thought. Finish off with my favorite mapo tofu bowl and soup soba! The harmony of the spiciness of the mapo and the gentleness of the soup soba will bring you happiness. It was truly a very happy moment.

  • Katrina Lindayag

    Katrina Lindayag


    Basically the foods were good when we came here. We ordered Chicken with spicy herbs, Fried Rice, Prawn and Spring roll. We love the presentation and the service of the 2 Japanese staff men. However, when we got there the lady who assisted us seemed in a hurry. We felt that she was rushing us to order food. We felt that she wanted us to finish our food as soon as possible. 👎🏻 When we were still eating our food, she just came and told us that if we are done so that we can already pay. I don't know why she seemed so in a rush for us to be done. 👎🏻 Anyway, if she will change how she approaches their customers we may rate this as 5/5 but for now 4/5 for the food and 2/5 for her service.

  • まっきー



    First Chinese course in a while. A total of 7 dishes: hors d'oeuvres, shark fin soup with crab scallops, large shrimp with mayo chili sauce, stir-fried beef with sweet and spicy miso, a small bowl of mapo tofu, fried sesame dumplings, and almond tofu. The most popular item seems to be the special sesame dumplings, which are crispy dough filled with sesame paste and mixed with soybean flour and sauce. It had just the right amount of sweetness, was piping hot and delicious. The beef and mapo tofu looked similar, but the beef was a little spicier, and the mapo tofu had the perfect amount of sweetness and spiciness, which for me was more impressive than the shark fin that was abundant in the soup. Everything was delicious and we had a private room so we could talk in peace. He opened the door and checked the timing of the food when it was brought out. The rotating table is also unique to Chinese cuisine, so I thoroughly enjoyed it. The price is high, but sometimes I had a good time in a private room with a course.

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