上海樓 横堀本店 i Osaka

Japan上海樓 横堀本店



🕗 åbningstider

4-chōme-5-15 Doshōmachi, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 541-0045, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6201-5655
internet side: shanghairo-yokobori.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.6887417, Longitude: 135.4984457

kommentar 5

  • かにクリームコロッケ



    It's empty around 1pm so it's easy to get in. For less than 1,000 yen, you can eat a reasonable amount in a quiet restaurant.

  • しばしば



    noodle set If the peak hours are slightly off, enter the store immediately and order immediately. It doesn't look like fancy Chinese food, but has a slightly more elegant impression. For younger people, it may be a little unsatisfactory...

  • たっさん



    Lunch on weekdays. Although it was peak time, I entered the store without waiting. Go up the slightly steep stairs to the second floor. Seafood fried rice. The taste is average, the quantity is small and it costs 950 yen. I wonder if the cost performance is bad. You can use paypay.

  • hiroきち



    Today I met up with a colleague from my previous job for the first time in many years to exchange information. I left the restaurant up to you, but since it was a little early, the first restaurant I went to was under preparation, so I ended up here. I feel like I've been here once before, but I don't remember. First of all, I had a set meal of sweet and sour pork. Thank you very much for your delicious meal. I was more interested in the conversation than the cooking.

  • K K

    K K


    I went to Shanghai Lou, right next to my office. Today's noodle set is curry ramen Curry ramen with gray green onions It's an addictive taste. There is also a large amount of noodles. This fried rice is moist, but it also has an addictive taste (*´艸`*) It was delicious 😋

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