The Ritz-Carlton Gourmet Shop i Osaka

JapanThe Ritz-Carlton Gourmet Shop



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2-chōme-5-25 Umeda, Kita Ward, Osaka, 530-0001, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6343-7000
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.6981259, Longitude: 135.4925103

kommentar 5

  • englishenglish



    The Ritz-Carlton Osaka, a luxury hotel, is the only hotel in Osaka to receive the highest five-star rating in the 2024 hotel category of Forbes Travel Guide, one of the world's leading travel guides. At the ``Gourmet Shop'' on the 1st floor, you can purchase sweets and breads that are perfect for souvenirs and presents for a little luxury. We have a rich lineup of freshly baked confectionery, and while it's simple, you'll be surprised by its exquisite taste, and it's actually affordable and cost-effective! Baked sweets that are perfect as souvenirs or as an introduction to luxury hotels It's a fresh baked confectionery that feels freshly made on the same day as the expiration date. The price was a pleasant surprise for me personally. A madeleine at a luxury hotel costs 250 yen, and a large canelé costs 320 yen! Lemon financier 220 yen Personally recommended! At first bite, you'll be happy with the sweetness of the sugar coating. A moist and juicy financier with a subtle lemon scent and a light aftertaste. This deliciousness costs 220 yen!

  • Dorothy



    Reasonably priced pastry and cakes.

  • Kamal Chandra

    Kamal Chandra


    It'a the 2nd time I have ordered a custom birthday cake from Ritz. Very beautifully done. The service and quality never fails. Always perfect in every way. The taste is luxurious, rich and magnificent. The finished Birthday cake always looks so stunning and is a great way to impress someone special. 🎂💖🎂Perfect!

  • Cy clo

    Cy clo


    Strong but soft mango pudding, very very strong chocolate cake with orange

  • Dennis Ho

    Dennis Ho


    Cream puff is ridiculous

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