Starbucks Coffee - Sapporo Kanjo-dori Avenue East i Sapporo

JapanStarbucks Coffee - Sapporo Kanjo-dori Avenue East



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-5-1 Honchō 2 Jō, Higashi Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 065-0042, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 11-789-4320
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.0825556, Longitude: 141.3819975

kommentar 5

  • トライ



    It's been about two years since I came to this Starbucks. There are many Starbucks near Fuda Station, but it is difficult to find one that is spacious and house-style. Due to the location, there are quite a few takeout customers. I went to Starbucks for the first time in a while and it was so cozy that I fell asleep and found myself sitting there for almost two hours. Still a horrible Starbucks.

  • 谷美麗



    Business is very good during the adjacent lunch period on Sunday. Drive-thru, car-to-car. We are going to the Furano IC road to search for the closest point to this store. Ever since I came to Japan and started traveling by car, my daily ritual has been to bring a glass of ice/hot latte as life-saving water to refresh myself. Convenient and satiating. Japan is especially famous for its fresh milk. The flavor and texture of milk coffee are better than those in Taiwan. In the Sapporo area of ​​Hokkaido, the Starbucks chain has not spread as much as expected. Most of them are concentrated in department stores. Relying on google search, it is considered the right time and place. But if not, special cases will be added. After all, it is a ritual that refreshes and relieves the soul😀 How about an extra-large cup? 👍

  • WeDnesday



    Cool place✨✨

  • Fukuoka International Democratic School

    Fukuoka International Democratic School


    Comfiest seats are in the far corner.

  • Farid Taba

    Farid Taba


    Standard Starbucks. Fast and polite service. It’s usually super crowded though.

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