Sapporo Pancake & Parfait Last Mint i Sapporo

JapanSapporo Pancake & Parfait Last Mint



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Japan, 〒060-0062 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Chuo Ward, Minami 2 Jōnishi, 3-chōme−12−2 トミイビルNo.37 2F
kontakter telefon: +81 50-3116-4124
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.0584528, Longitude: 141.3537914

kommentar 5

  • Claudia Scroggins

    Claudia Scroggins


    Very tasty, but quite expensive. Don’t make the same mistake I did by ordering a set and then ordering an item on the free set menu!

  • Julius Teo

    Julius Teo


    Apple caramel pancake was sumptuous and wasn’t too sweet. The tartness of the apples helped neutralised the sweetness also. The ambiance is high class and is quite a vibe. What was most commendable was the service rendered when I spilled a whole glass of mocha on myself. They reacted quickly, professionally and was even empathetic about my new shoes that was stained. Good Service 👍🏻

  • PJ



    The ambience of the venue is quite beautiful. The waitresses are very friendly and cute in those dresses. The pancakes are tasty. The only thing is the waiting time after ordering is very long, around 30 minutes, but they warn about it before sitting down. If you are in a hurry, do not order. Otherwise, overall everything is good.

  • Y E

    Y E


    The pancakes taste really good! We had the banana chocolate pancake which comes with chocolate and caramel sauce, chocolate ice cream and banana whipped cream and the strawberry jam pancake which is more basic and comes with jam and whipped cream. Staff are very nice. Four stars only because the coffee is not good. If you drink coffee, get it from elsewhere.

  • Olivia Ong

    Olivia Ong


    Soooooo delicious!! Highly recommend. The pancakes are so light and fluffy. Parfaits were good, too. Cute decor. Except you may have to wait a while for your order.. but worth it.

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