Donguri Odori i Sapporo

JapanDonguri Odori



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Japan, 〒060-0042 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Chuo Ward, Ōdōrinishi, 1-chōme−13 ル・トロワ 1階
kontakter telefon: +81 11-210-5252
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.0603912, Longitude: 141.3556338

kommentar 5

  • Felicia Putri Tjiasaka

    Felicia Putri Tjiasaka


    This is my first time leaving a review in Google, coz their bread are way way way beyond my expectation!! Came here for their salt bread and turned out I bought lots of varieties. Baked cheese and ham, apple pie are also great! Definitely a must visit in Sapporo!




    It’s full of fresh bread and it’s delicious! The price is good too. It was noisy and crowded... I was a little disappointed because it wasn't a cafe where you can eat quietly. But if you are in the mood for bread, be sure to go!!

  • Tonia Ioan

    Tonia Ioan


    Nice bakery with a HUGE selection of sweet and savory pastries. Wish things were warm, but everything tasted good overall. Coffee was good too. Line can be long but it goes super fast. Great spot for a quick breakfast or snack.

  • Kristine Valencia

    Kristine Valencia


    A massive amount of pastries of reasonable price! Just across Sapporo TV Tower. People are always in line and there’s always fresh bread coming out of the oven. I always get their Creme Brûlée, Melon Pan and Croissant. If you like pastries you should definitely give Donguri a try.

  • Claudia P

    Claudia P


    Huge selection of sweet and savoury bread and pastries. Prices were very cheap in my opinion. There is also a seating area inside which is very convenient if you are looking for a quick bite on the go. Was so hard to decide what to get but decided to try the melon pan and the curry bread. Bread was so soft. Definitely going to be back for more!

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