The Lobby Lounge/JR Tower Hotel Nikko Sapporo 1F i Sapporo

JapanThe Lobby Lounge/JR Tower Hotel Nikko Sapporo 1F



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Japan, 〒060-0005 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Chuo Ward, Kita 5 Jōnishi, 2-chōme−5番地 JRタワーホテル日航札幌 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 11-251-6338
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.0681393, Longitude: 141.3524285

kommentar 5

  • Santravelz



    Delicious mini afternoon tea in a quite setting with comfortable seating. Was easily bake to do a walk-in on a Saturday amd service was good.

  • Lawrence PoP-jhussi

    Lawrence PoP-jhussi


    I have had afternoon tea at high end prices and places. So I mean it when I say that the food is exceptional for the price of $2800yen. Make sure you come early before 1130am as there may be long queues during lunch time.

  • aguru001



    Very delicious

  • A Lin

    A Lin


    Lovely service and food. Not so large but so much calm than expected.

  • Peter Nichols

    Peter Nichols


    This restaurant is one of the few, if not the only restaurant in Sapporo which has BYO (Bring Your Own). This means you can buy a bottle of wine elsewhere and bring it to the restaurant to drink. There is no service charge for opening and pouring your wine. Wine can be purchased from anywhere. Close by, wine is for sale at Jupiters and at Daimaru B1. The food is reasonably priced with set menus and individual dishes such as salads, cheese platters and other dishes that go well with wine. The daytime menu differs from the evening menu. The staff are friendly and the service very good.

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