松山生協 斎院店 en Matsuyama

Japón松山生協 斎院店



🕗 horarios

1071-2 Minamisayachō, Matsuyama, Ehime 791-8032, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 89-973-6555
sitio web: www.matsuyamaseikyo.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.8340969, Longitude: 132.7372815

comentarios 5

  • 冒険太郎



    It has been renovated and is beautiful. It's a good-sized supermarket for the average person in this area, and there are no competing stores nearby, so I think it's valued by local residents. I don't go there very often because it's far away, but when I happened to stop by, there were some amazingly cheap bargains, and I ended up buying a lot of things even though I only intended to use the restroom. Easy to get in and out of car. However, since it is not very large, there are some things that are lacking in terms of product selection. However, it's a good place to buy something because it's easy to get to. (postscript) On Saturday, April 20th, I stopped by on my way home from a nearby acupuncture clinic, and there was a time sale on Yamazaki's bread (6 pieces, 5 pieces) for only 20 yen! It's 20 yen! The expiration date is the 22nd. I don't usually eat white bread, but I couldn't help but buy this.

  • SHIN



    It has been renovated and is now much cleaner and the parking lot is easier to get in and out of. Although it is small, it is like a co-op, and the vegetables are fresh. Many of the customers are locals and elderly people because they can buy products at relatively low prices.

  • トニーマン



    On Sundays, if you spend 700 yen or more, you can buy eggs for 100 yen. Frozen foods are half price on Sundays

  • 小笠原宏



    It has been renovated and now has a bright sales floor. It is a force to be reckoned with, with a focus on fresh produce, and some products that are cheaper than the farm-direct market. There are also daily necessities, such as masks.

  • 山下直人



    The vegetable direct sales corner is fun. The menu is different every day so you can see which vegetables are in season.

La mayoría de las categorías populares:


Nivel 2 área administrativa

Área administrativa nivel 3

📑 todas las categorias

AbogadoAcuarioAeropuertoAgencia de segurosAgencia de viajesAgencia inmobiliariaAlmacenamientoAlmacenarAlojamientoAlquiler de cochesAlquiler de películasBancoBarBarrioBibliotecaBoleraCafeteríaCajero automáticoCaracterística naturalCasa funerariaCasinoCementerioCentro comercialCerrajeroCineClub nocturnoColegioComestibles o supermercadoComidaComida para llevarContabilidadContratista de techosContratista generalCuidado del cabelloCuidado veterinarioDe las bicicletasDentistaEl hospitalElectricistaEmbajadaEmpresa de mudanzasEntrega de comidasEstablecimientoEstacionamientoEstación de autobusesEstación de bomberosEstación de metroEstación de trenEstación de tren ligeroEstación de tránsitoEstadioFarmaciaFerreteríaFinanciarFisioterapeutaFloristaFontaneroGalería de arteGasolineraGimnasioGrandes almacenesIglesiaJoyeríaLavado de autosLavanderíaLibreríaLocalidadLugar de adoraciónMezquitaMuseoMédicoNivel de sublocality 2Nivel de sublocality 3Nivel de sublocality 4Oficina del gobierno localOficina postalPalacio MunicipalPalacio de justiciaPanaderíaParada de taxiParqueParque de atraccionesParque de rv, cámpingPintorPolicíaPremisaPunto de interésReparación de autosRestauranteRutaSaludSalón de bellezaSinagogaSpaSubpremiseSupermercadoTemplo hindúTerreno de campingTienda de artículos para el hogarTienda de convenienciaTienda de electrónicosTienda de licorTienda de mascotasTienda de mueblesTienda de ropaUniversidadVendedor de autosZapateríaZooÁrea coloquial