Matsuyamaseikyo Mitsuten en Matsuyama

JapónMatsuyamaseikyo Mitsuten



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-18-27 Furumitsu, Matsuyama, Ehime 791-8067, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 89-953-0545
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.8605249, Longitude: 132.7266385

comentarios 5

  • shino



    I don't even want to give stars. I don't know if it's all employees, but I've heard that they are forced to buy expired products or products that were made by the vendor. Does that happen at the supermarket?

  • 菊地絹代



    The quality of fruits and vegetables is poor. There are few items in all. The staff's attitude is bad. I haven't been able to say hello.

  • さま



    The prices are generally high, but the advertised products are cheap. I am aiming for advertising products.

  • 池本三枝子



    The price is cheaper than a certain major supermarket nearby❢ However, in terms of product selection, they are losing out. . . I think the sashimi in the fresh fish corner is fresh and cheap.

  • hiro gekkabijin

    hiro gekkabijin


    It's a little far from my home, but for my grandson, I get ice cream every Friday for half price. I'm going to buy three types of croquettes. There is a limit of 5 ice creams per person, but if you buy too much, the staff will tell you it's okay. Recommended items include seared bonito and vegetables brought in by the individual.

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