Ichiriki Marche en Matsuyama

JapónIchiriki Marche



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-9-5 Kuwabara, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-0911, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 89-943-4494
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.836486, Longitude: 132.790015

comentarios 5

  • 池田直子



    I went on a trip to Dogo Onsen. Ichiriki Marche, which I heard about is about a 10 minute taxi ride away! Not only is the fish fresh, cheap, and delicious, but as someone who lives in Osaka, where the fruit is cheap, I'm impressed. This is a fun supermarket with a ramen corner from all over the country. I sent a lot of them for home use.

  • 蒼


    2024.07 It felt like a cheaper "corporate effort" than before. The response was also kind and courteous. Therefore, it is full of customers. There will be no problem if only the parking lot can be fixed. 2023.04 star change The cashier service has improved. To begin with, this is a store that has had many customers for a long time. Personally, I feel that the response aimed at ``not keeping people waiting'' is being viewed as problematic. I bought some sashimi that I was interested in. It was cheap, fresh and delicious. 2023.03 It's not that it's bad at all, it's a reasonable price, and it's been renovated and is now beautiful. Personally, ``I liked the atmosphere of the old Okumura Store.'' The seafood, sushi, and meat are fresh, and of course the fruits and vegetables are reasonably priced. However, it was difficult to park because of the objects in the parking space. The customer service manners are the same as before...Wouldn't the ratings go up if they renewed this as well?

  • jour san

    jour san


    Convenient to use Machipay points. Vegetables and fruits🉐Grilled corn 100 yen🌽

  • Hafizur Rahman

    Hafizur Rahman


    Well decorated super shop.

  • taufiq yuliawan

    taufiq yuliawan


    Cheap and fresh

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