SEVENSTAR Minamiedo en Matsuyama

JapónSEVENSTAR Minamiedo



🕗 horarios

3-chōme-1-55 Minamiedo, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-0062, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 89-927-1677
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.8359565, Longitude: 132.745615

comentarios 5

  • mamemame 6565

    mamemame 6565


    The color of the meat may not look good, perhaps because of the lighting, and I think it would be better to discount meat that has drippings as soon as possible.

  • じゃがりこ貴公子



    Nowadays, you can't use credit cards at the supermarket lol lol In a city, supermarkets would be eliminated in no time.

  • piggy



    The rice looked really delicious. However, it only accepts Rakuten Edy or cash, so it is not suitable for cashless users other than Rakuten Edy. Please, I would like you to add more payment methods.

  • いけだけい(SANGOLOW)



    Not very interesting for tourists. However, I have a very positive impression that most supermarkets secretly put up stickers offering half-price deals on side dishes and sushi. I felt refreshed that they went out of their way to make the announcement.

  • Hirokazu Tanaka

    Hirokazu Tanaka


    Reasonable Prices but VISA can't be accepted.

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