寺泊野積海岸温泉 やすらぎの宿 夕華 i Nagaoka

Japan寺泊野積海岸温泉 やすらぎの宿 夕華


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11630-17 Teradomarinozumi, Nagaoka, Niigata 940-2501, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 258-75-5032
internet side: www.yuuhana.jp
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Latitude: 37.6979439, Longitude: 138.787187

kommentar 5

  • Masashi Kondo

    Masashi Kondo


    Food is bliss. Every single dish was delicious, not to mention the crab for dinner. The breakfast is also delicious and plentiful. The rooms are non-smoking, and the public bath is like a large bath, so although this is not good, the food is outstanding and more than makes up for it. I highly recommend staying there.

  • 凡天



    This inn is difficult to access if you don't have a car. Unfortunately I was not able to order dinner. The miso soup for breakfast was very delicious.

  • N m

    N m


    I made a reservation for six months later. However, I soon realized that the conditions were not suitable (smoking rooms are not allowed), so I canceled but was charged a 20% cancellation fee (just under 8,000 yen for 2 people). Isn't it too early? That's how I reviewed it. It's my fault for not paying close attention when I made the reservation, but I didn't expect to be charged a cancellation fee from the day of the reservation, which was six months in advance, so I'm curious as to what kind of work is incurring the money. It didn't look like they had been arranging accommodations for the night without meals for half a year, but I wonder if this is a business strategy aimed at people like me who make reservations incorrectly. I was planning to go to Niigata Prefecture for the first time, but since it was a little traumatic, I am reconsidering where I want to travel.

  • ハナキリン



    My family of 3 used this hotel for swimming at the beach. The beach is right across the street, so it's in a great location. The building was beautiful and as per the reviews, the food was very luxurious and delicious. However, I have some doubts. As soon as we arrived, the owner asked us to pay the entrance fee for three people. At first, I thought I was paying because there was a hot spring, but when I looked more closely, it was an "admission fee" and not a hot spring. It's just a bath. This doesn't make sense. Also, when I entered the building after swimming in the beach, I was constantly told to change clothes, to wear clean clothes, and to never let sand into the room, which made me nervous. The room was filled with futons for 3 people and was small. I wonder how this room was assigned even though there weren't that many other guests. Also, there was no air conditioning throughout the building, so it was extremely hot when I left the room. It's not a very comfortable environment. The owner kept turning off the lights, saying, ``Our electricity bill costs 10,000 yen a day.'' Is this something you say to customers? The food was good, but the service wasn't very good, so next time I go to Teradomari, I'll go somewhere else.

  • こうじ



    Everything inside is very clean. Anyway, the food is delicious🤤This is the first time I've eaten a crab for one person🤤The freshly cooked Niigata rice and seafood clay pot soup for breakfast is the best. I would like to stay for several nights and enjoy it to the fullest. Thank you to everyone at the hotel for being so kind and caring.

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