カニの宿 きんぱち i Nagaoka

Japanカニの宿 きんぱち


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9353-131 Teradomarihanatate, Nagaoka, Niigata 940-2502, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 258-75-4258
internet side: www.yado.kinpachi.co.jp
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Latitude: 37.6333194, Longitude: 138.7610783

kommentar 5

  • 土田宏



    The windows in the bathrooms, guest rooms, and dining areas seem to have been enlarged to show the sunset. I think many people will be satisfied with the price of the accommodation and the food. This is one of the few inns that I would go to again.

  • 朱雀



    It is only available for lunchtime meals. There were several people in line before the store opened at 11am, and by 12pm it was almost full. The lunch menu has a wide variety and is reasonably priced. There is a repeat.

  • おにおに



    When I go to Teradomari, I use it for lunch. Among the recommended items are the fried horse mackerel set meal and the 10 kinds of seafood bowl set meal! The cost performance is great!

  • 詠琉



    We stayed with 4 adults. There are many steps and stairs to get between the guest room, public bath, and restaurant, and the elevator is in a strange location, so it might be inconvenient if you have bad legs, and the walls are thin, so it might not be suitable for families with children. . However, the guest rooms and public bath are relatively clean, and since they face the Sea of ​​Japan, both have great views, and spending time looking at the sea and sky is bliss. You can clearly see Sado and the Noto Peninsula, and although I couldn't see it because the weather wasn't very good on the day I stayed, I'm sure the sunset was perfect as well. Best of all, the rice is really delicious! ! For dinner, we mainly had funamori, grilled flounder, tempura, chawanmushi, monkfish hotpot, salmon kamameshi, red king crab, crab in miso soup, and lots of fish. I'm not very good at eating raw fish, and I can only eat sushi like tuna, octopus, and steamed shrimp, but local fish such as kanagashira don't have that fishy smell that I don't like, and nanban shrimp. It was the most delicious raw shrimp I've ever eaten. Although the number of dishes was large, the portions were just right and not greasy, and even though it was my first time tasting fish, everyone from my grandmother, who is over 80, to my younger brother, who is in his 20s, ate it all, saying, ``It's delicious, this is also delicious.'' Also, since it's a crab inn, the crabs are really delicious. The chawanmushi also has crab on it. Breakfast was delicious with a variety of different types in appropriate amounts, so I ordered a second helping of white rice. I don't have enough vocabulary to express it, but the fish is really delicious! ! I think the types of fish available vary depending on the season, so I'd like to visit during the warmer months or at the affiliated stores that are under renovation.

  • 山本哲哉(てつ)



    I was satisfied with everything except the room. There was a large family next door, and the children were small, so it was thumping. Jumping up and down. Because the facility is old, the sound is through the roof. However, the all-you-can-eat crab was awesome. It was nice to be able to use the Kinpachi hot water next door for the bath. The price is reasonable and I would like to go again.

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