Shiki No Yado Minoya i Yahiko

JapanShiki No Yado Minoya


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2927-1 Yahiko, Nishikambara District, Niigata 959-0323, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 256-94-2010
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Latitude: 37.704242, Longitude: 138.8273359

kommentar 5

  • Gee Lian Ng

    Gee Lian Ng


    It's a good base to climb Mt Yahiko and walkable from Yahiko station. Even though the ryokan infrastructure is old, it's clean and well-maintained. The ryokan itself has lots of facilities so you can keep yourself entertained. If a shuttle to hotel can be provided from the station, that would be great, especially for summer season cos' it's really hot.

  • Sinh Trần Phúc

    Sinh Trần Phúc


    This is a best place to see momij in the autumn

  • Ngo Sha Hui

    Ngo Sha Hui


    Just 10 mins walk from the rail station. Next to the yahiko jinja and yahikoyama. You can walk up or take the cable car. Nice view from the hilltop.

  • Sean Harrison

    Sean Harrison


    The hotel is very close to the shrine and a great place to stay if you are visiting. The service was fantastic, and we really appreciated being driven on a small cart from our parking space to the hotel. The inside was very clean and beautiful, and it felt very much like a high class hotel. The room was also clean and very comfortable to stay in. When we stayed, there were no local restaurants open in the evening, so bear that in mind when you stay!

  • Kai H

    Kai H


    Lovely retro-feeling guest house/hotel with superb and personal service, comfortable bedding, incredible onsen baths on the top floor and a relaxing atmosphere

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