Shokuraku Azuma i Wakayama

JapanShokuraku Azuma



🕗 åbningstider

69-6 Mukai, Wakayama, 640-8431, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 73-451-1607
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.2596173, Longitude: 135.1477533

kommentar 5

  • たま



    It's delicious no matter what you eat! I can feel the care put into each and every item. I brought a friend with me, and he was also happy. From Japanese to Western style, you can definitely go for it! I go there regularly.

  • 上田T



    Everything I ate was delicious, but the assorted sashimi platter, sea bream rice, and abalone were the best.

  • kozu



    2022.9 Shokuryaku Azuma Names that are more than just an izakaya but less than a kappo restaurant are not fancy. The atmosphere, customer service, and taste of the food are all of a high standard. It has the impression of being a hideaway restaurant for adults. Sitting at the counter, sipping sake, snacking on delicious appetizers, and having a lively conversation with the owner. I think I’m finally at an age where something like this suits me… (lol)

  • 中西昇



    The atmosphere was nice and the food was delicious (*´︶`*)ノ The menu is diverse, and the hayashi rice from the secret menu was the best (^○^)

  • sakayann



    It's a thriving store. It was lively and the staff were friendly. All the dishes were delicious and I ended up eating way too much😄

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