Shimamoto i Wakayama




🕗 åbningstider

366 Yoshida, Wakayama, 640-8343, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 73-428-2778
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.2363911, Longitude: 135.1874587

kommentar 5

  • 山本



    Shimamoto, a long-established restaurant in Wakayama I went through the small entrance and had a course meal in a private room. The food, prepared with careful and skillful hands, is extremely delicious. We had a pleasant time. Thank you for the meal.

  • 五条悟



    The lunch mini kaiseki was reasonably priced but delicious.




    A full course of luxurious kueh. When I asked for Hirezake, they brought matches, but they didn't have a container to put the matches in. Although it was a private room, there was no explanation about turning on the heating. There was no explanation of the appetizer dishes. Even though they serve high-class cuisine, it doesn't feel high-class. The pickles and desserts are also not good.

  • くるみのおもち



    I had the 7000 yen course for the evening. Although I was traveling with an infant, I was able to enjoy my meal in a Japanese-style private room. Seasonal fish and local products are the main ingredients, but Western-style beef tongue stew was also introduced. You will be surprised at how soft this is. The sashimi of the sashimi sashimi, the tripe of the sashimi, and the liver were exquisite. Among the grilled dishes, there is fried kueh scales. My visit in mid-December 2017 was perfect and filled with quests. All dishes were delicious.

  • 谷口恭子(Kyoko)



    We had a mini kaiseki meal for lunch. Everything was delicious, but there were things that exceeded my expectations, such as steamed matsutake mushrooms in a clay pot and tongue stew, which had a seasonal feel to the autumn season.It was really great. The response from the people was also very wonderful. This is also a store that I definitely want to visit.

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