Kojima i Wakayama




🕗 åbningstider

4 Fukumachi, Wakayama, 640-8043, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 73-432-3823
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Latitude: 34.2333847, Longitude: 135.1712829

kommentar 5

  • Juei-En Su

    Juei-En Su


    The boss is very good. He can cook all the dishes by himself. Because the menu is all in Japanese, it is hard to understand, but every dish is a combination of the boss's attentiveness, diverse tastes, and fresh ingredients. If you come to Wakayama City, this is a store you can’t miss.

  • 前田健斗



    Not to mention the food, this is my favorite restaurant in Wakayama! Also, the master was wonderful, the customers were friendly, and it was a very nice shop! ♡

  • I M

    I M


    A year ago, I popped in at night and got it at the counter. Everything is exquisite! The staff are kind, and the chef is quiet while cooking, but he is very kind. I'm going to Wakayama again this year, so I'm thinking of stopping by.

  • モコロコ



    You can get refills of rice, but there aren't enough side dishes, so you won't get refills of rice either.You'll have to go there for a second time.It might be a good option if you eat less.

  • takashi_1000 (benidan)

    takashi_1000 (benidan)


    Today's lunch was Kojima's cooking for the first time in a while (^-^) It had a stable and gentle taste.

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