pia Sapido Wakayama i Wakayama

Japanpia Sapido Wakayama



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒640-8451 Wakayama, 中字楠谷573 イオンモール和歌山1F
kontakter telefon: +81 73-498-7890
internet side: www.pierthirty.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.2756748, Longitude: 135.14846

kommentar 5

  • 加賀屋和歌山



    I have come here to eat many times 😊 Thank you for sending me a postcard before my birthday 😊

  • Enser Degital (デジタルエンサー)

    Enser Degital (デジタルエンサー)


    I was nearby, so I stopped by. It's a repeat. When you choose one main dish from pasta, pizza, lasagna, etc., you get all-you-can-eat bread. You can eat freshly baked bread that is made one after another. Please note that they will not be available near closing time. New types of bread are added regularly, which is very satisfying. It's relatively cheap and you can eat as much as you want. Both the main dishes and the breads are delicious. Recommended. There are many types of bread, over 10.

  • yk y (ゆう)

    yk y (ゆう)


    I came here because I was drawn to the all-you-can-eat bread. It was nice because there were many types of bread and they even announced when it was baked. The basic menu seemed to have a little lack of variety. The drink bar had more variety than a typical drink bar.

  • Darwin Liang

    Darwin Liang


    Grand place to chill out, nice choice of bread

  • Alexander Van Maren

    Alexander Van Maren


    All you can eat bread with select entree (mostly pasta). The staff are always bringing around fresh bread right as it comes out of the oven. The croissants were some of the best I've ever had.

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