Shin Iizuka Station Hotel en Iizuka

JapónShin Iizuka Station Hotel


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4-20 Yoshiomachi, Iizuka, Fukuoka 820-0018, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 948-26-1300
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Latitude: 33.6414116, Longitude: 130.6930583

comentarios 5

  • C. Hauser

    C. Hauser


    Spent a night here because I didn't like the "New Gaea" hotel nearby. We had a 2-beds room so the room was also bigger. It was a renovated non-smoking room so everything looked new and clean. The toilet has a bad smell when you flush (but I noticed this happens in a lot of hotels in Japan) other than that I had no issues with rail or siren noises like other comments mentioned. Would have been better if they had a public bath (which Gaea has) but they have a bakery on the ground floor so that's pretty nice. Checkout time is 10am but they were generous enough to give us 30 extra minutes for free. Overall good stay, it's probably the best choice in this area.

  • Dontamsetti Srimanoj

    Dontamsetti Srimanoj


    Service and maintenance are so good and perfect, they provided every thing here, and the breakfast in the ground floor was fabulous and tasty

  • Zool Hilmi

    Zool Hilmi


    Very close to train station and rails. You might feel uncomfortable due to the train sound.

  • M Meyer

    M Meyer


    I stayed 3 nights in 3 different rooms due to emergency booking each night not knowing if I would stay for 1 more day. The first night, I stayed on the 7th floor and it was a new and clean room. The second night I was on the 4th floor and the experience was very different even though it was the same price and same type of room. This is because the 4th floor hasn't been renovated yet. The 3rd night i went back to the seventh floor, and sure enough it was a newly furnished room again. If you do go, ask for a newer room (7th floor for a twin room).

  • Сергей Кузин

    Сергей Кузин


    Typical japanese hotel. Small rooms. Always clean. Cafe in hotel works from 7:00am to 7:00pm.

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