Hotel Crown Palais Kitakyushu en Kitakyushu

JapónHotel Crown Palais Kitakyushu



🕗 horarios

Domingoabierto 24 horas
Lunesabierto 24 horas
Martesabierto 24 horas
Miércolesabierto 24 horas
Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
3-1 Higashimagarimachi, Yahatanishi Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 806-8585, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 93-631-1111
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.8577972, Longitude: 130.762254

comentarios 5

  • LJ Tan

    LJ Tan


    A large hotel with free parking. Although the facilities are a little worn out and old, the stay is quite comfortable. The TV set is a little small and there seems to be no microwave in the hotel. Location is good as there is an AEON Town mall opposite the hotel, with a 24 hour supermarket. When getting out, one has to leave the room key at the reception. The best thing is check-out time is 12 noon despite the usual 10am for most hotels in Japan.

  • Baris Celik

    Baris Celik


    It is sooooo ooo dirty hotel i ever seen in japan

  • Kwong Kah Wah

    Kwong Kah Wah


    Worst hotel in Japan that I have ever stay. Not enough parking due to a wedding function and hotel guest was instructed to park far away..let say around 1km away and there is no guidance on how to get back to the hotel.No bellboy service as we have a number of luggage. Really very disappointed despite rated as good.

  • Akshat Rastogi

    Akshat Rastogi


    Great a vegetarian, we knew we will be having trouble staying in Japan and thats why we took ready to eat food. But our hotel room did not had the microwave. Still the staff in the hotel helped us by providing service themselves for heating of food, milk, maggi..etc... Staff is also very polite and was always there in our service...i really loved there hospitality...

  • Sreejith VS

    Sreejith VS


    Nice room and service

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