Hotel AZ Fukuoka Tagawa en Tagawa

JapónHotel AZ Fukuoka Tagawa



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
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Martesabierto 24 horas
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Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
1-7 Hinodemachi, Tagawa, Fukuoka 825-0012, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 947-42-0301
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.642774, Longitude: 130.8111172

comentarios 5

  • shinobu



    There's nothing around AZHOTEL. However, there was a convenience store right in front of me. Is it unusual to have a liquor store across from a convenience store? There was also a lot of alcohol.

  • Misato Nakayama

    Misato Nakayama


    I had some business to do in Tagawa City, and I took care of you many times. It may be the same everywhere, but there are some staff who are well-explained and others who are not. Young people have a polite image. When I asked to quit smoking and apologized, he changed my request to non-smoking. I've stayed in smoking rooms as well, but the smell was quite strong. There is a convenience store nearby, and there are no other accommodations nearby, so this is the only one.

  • きりん



    I can't complain at this price The cleanliness of the rooms is also good. The place in the photo is on the railroad crossing side. I hear the sound of a train. It's fine during the day, but trains start passing around 5:30 a.m., so be careful if you're sensitive.

  • 森崎純雄



    I think the cost performance is good. Breakfast buffet included for around 5000 yen If you add the dinner buffet, it will cost you an additional 1,000 yen, and if you add the 90-minute all-you-can-drink option, it will cost you an additional 1,000 yen, so it's perfect if you want to feel satisfied at a reasonable price. There are locations all over the country, so if you have one in your destination, you should consider it as an option. The room is only for sleeping, so there is no problem as it has a minimum amount of space and is clean. It would have been nice if the toilet seat in the room had a heating function, but if you don't like the cold, you can use the shared room on the first floor, which has a heating function.

  • Achmad Chamdani Eka P.

    Achmad Chamdani Eka P.


    Small room, but good service and food. Location wise is convinient, in front got seven eleven store.

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