Manyo No Yu en Fukuoka

JapónManyo No Yu



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
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Martesabierto 24 horas
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Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
2-chōme-3-66 Yutaka, Hakata Ward, Fukuoka, 812-0042, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 92-452-4126
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5983144, Longitude: 130.4343127

comentarios 5

  • Philippe Dubois

    Philippe Dubois


    Did a trip to the onsen and it was great. The facilities are clean and opened until very late, staff was helpful and there is great options for food on the spot. Really recommend for an onsen experience in the city. Only con is there is no outside bath

  • Klinton Halliday

    Klinton Halliday


    I’ve been to Manyo no Yu many times every time I return to Japan my friends and I usually go here. It is a pretty awesome place to go. The facilities are very clean and they provide ice chips to chew on while you enjoy the sauna 🧖. I’ve never stayed in the hotel because I usually stay with family, Manyo no Yu is pretty awesome

  • juleslandsman



    My partner and I spent five very enjoyable days at Hakata Yufuin Onsen hotel, locally called Manyo No Yu. We would highly recommend it to all lovers of onsen baths. The very efficient and friendly staff keep everything clean and tidy. Breakfasts and dinners are excellent. There is a free hourly shuttle to Hakata Station that makes it really easy to explore Fukuoka. There are massage and spa services available on site. Worth mentioning is that the small Japanese style rooms are really small, so if you like more spacious accommodations, reserve accordingly. Highly recommended!

  • Mary Rhona Garcia

    Mary Rhona Garcia


    I had a wonderful time in Manyo No Yu Onsen! As a foreigner, this is my first ever onsen experience, and I am happy because it did not disappoint! I just did a day activity. I just wish that the onsen has more English translation, especially for the history part, etc. since I am still a beginner Nihonggo learner, and it’s a hassle to click google translate every now and then. This place does not allow guest with tatoos. But it has complete amenities like restaurant, entertainment area (manga and karaoke) and even sleeping room! Definitely a must try.

  • 陳老师Anisah



    If you like onsen and sauna, this is a great place. Get in and drop all your stressful world outside the door. Change into Yukata they've provided. Everyone wears the same thing, there's no worry about who looks better in what clothes. We spent one night here, wishing it was two nights. The service is great, staff were helpful even when they can't speak English. The food at the restaurant was delicious, every dish was exquisitely cooked with fresh ingredients. There are 6 onsen pools, all are clean, the sauna was big enough for 10 people, but when I was there, only 3 of us. There are seats for every shower cubicle, so you can take your time, scrubing and cleaning your feet. A wonderful way to pamper yourself. You're provided with shampoo, body wash, face wash and mask, toothbrush and toothpaste, comb. You literally don't have to bring anything with you. Thank you for the wonderful experience.

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