行橋京都休日・夜間急患センター en Yukuhashi




🕗 horarios

2-chōme-9-1 Higashiōhashi, Yukuhashi, Fukuoka 824-0002, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 930-26-1399
sitio web: www.city.yukuhashi.fukuoka.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.737779, Longitude: 130.9888597

comentarios 5

  • ピヨ吉



    It can hardly be called 24-hour medical care. Pediatrics was open until 11pm on Sundays. It's open until 11pm even on weekdays, regardless of internal medicine or pediatrics, so you should rewrite the time properly.

  • 大石鈴香



    The parking lot on the fence side is too narrow to get on and off. And for some reason, the parking lot on the fence side wasn't numbered, and perhaps because of that, the nurses were running back and forth looking for their cars. Is it possible to see one person in that amount of time? I thought.

  • 海藻ちゃん



    I can still tolerate what happened to me, but...my child had blisters on his palm and went to the doctor. It was during the outbreak of hand, foot and mouth disease, and I had to wait a long time before being seen. The blisters were dark in color, so I said, ``Isn't it hand, foot, and mouth disease?'' She laughed and said, ``Hey, Mom! (LOL) Hand, foot, and mouth disease, as the name suggests, affects people's hands, feet, and mouth. I don't have palms! (LOL) I don't think so. (LOL) I think it's eczema or something like that. You're worrying too much. That's a big problem. (LOL) I fainted. When I was waiting to pay after my appointment, a mother with a child came out after me and was very angry, saying, ``What the hell is that? It's horrible! This doctor doesn't understand!'' As expected, after I got home, the blisters continued to spread and I developed a fever, so when I went to take care of her again one day, she was successfully diagnosed with hand, foot and mouth disease☺️ Even to an untrained eye, the color and appearance looked like the source of the blisters. I'm surprised by that doctor. If you can't even diagnose a pandemic disease, please say from the beginning that you can't treat children. (There was a name plate in the pediatrics department) It's a waste of the patient's energy, time, and money.

  • g n

    g n


    The 5 hour wait for a coronavirus antigen test is normal. I arrived well before the reception time, and after making many unanswered phone calls, I thought I would finally be able to receive the medical history form, but I was simply told that I would go in my order, and had to wait for two hours. When I tried again to calm down, I was told things like, ``Have you not received your medical questionnaire yet? I see.'' It became clear that there was no order. The staff wandered around the parking lot, coming in and out, not coordinating, and it was completely inefficient. Even though I have given them the model and number of the car, it seems like all the staff are farsighted, so it takes a long time to find the car. (This is my fault) The car that came after me finished the inspection first and left. Some people got out of their cars and spoke directly to the staff. (After that, I finished paying the bill and went home early, so I probably won.) It was an emergency center that made people stay for hours on end, making me wonder if it was on purpose.

  • ビスケッツチョコ



    I developed a fever on a Sunday evening in January, and used the clinic for night medical treatment starting at 7:00 pm. I tested positive for coronavirus. There were several other people waiting for their medical results in their cars, so there was some waiting time. Both the nurses and the teachers found it difficult to go back and forth between the hospital and the parking lot outside while wearing protective gear. ``There is a possibility that your mother could be infected, so be careful, and if you develop any symptoms, contact the public health center immediately and see a doctor!'' It's going to be tough for a while from today, but please do your best,'' my teacher said. Only emergency cases are treated at night. Not every teacher has the same symptoms. Just being able to see your doctor at night or on weekends can give you peace of mind!

El hospital más cercano

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