Sendai Medical Center Front Post Office i Sendai

JapanSendai Medical Center Front Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-8-8 Miyagino, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 983-0045, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 22-291-1860
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.2610469, Longitude: 140.906015

kommentar 4

  • ずんだのもちこ



    A post office located across from Sendai Medical Center in Miyaginohara. It is also a short walk from JR Miyaginohara Station. It's a small post office, so there's only one ATM, but since the Japan Post branch that was inside the medical center has closed, I'm thankful for a post office this far away. The counter response varies depending on the person, but this is something that happens elsewhere, so I wasn't particularly concerned about it. A mailbox is also located next to the entrance of the medical center.

  • 田中萌



    When making a transfer, I was informed that the fee would be lower if I used an ATM rather than at a counter. A staff member processed the transaction at the ATM. thank you.

  • senseki touhoku

    senseki touhoku


    Right next to the Medical Center exit of Miyaginohara Station on the JR Senseki Line. It is located approximately on the southwest side of the medical center. There is no parking lot.

  • 鈴木



    A bad attitude

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