Seikokohi Yasuuraten en Kure

JapónSeikokohi Yasuuraten



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5-chōme-1-56 Yasuurachō Chūō, Kure, Hiroshima 737-2516, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 823-84-6800
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.2830889, Longitude: 132.74495

comentarios 5

  • joker935joker



    I was passing by and used it for brunch and to kill time. I ordered a set that included a salad. The salads are hearty and delicious, and I think it's nice to eat freshly baked bread as the bread is baked in the middle. The restroom is spacious and there is also a diaper changing table, which is great for families with babies. The atmosphere is relaxing.

  • yuka “sokumike” Kutcher

    yuka “sokumike” Kutcher


    Always Rakuten I bought drip coffee I happened to be waiting at a traffic light while driving. Why don't you look sideways? What is the name of this coffee? picture? At that time, the parking lot was full so I gave up. I decided to go out for coffee again this time. I went. Coffee is easy to drink and has a flavor you like! I also liked the toast, the bread was delicious. I want to go again! This is a shop that makes you think. It's about 2 hours from my house, so I don't often get to go there. But I'm thinking of going again soon. February 12th I asked again. It was delicious again this time. The dressing is delicious I bought a few for Valentine's Day and went home.

  • Nathan Crookes

    Nathan Crookes


    Good easy breakfast! Good service and decent price.

  • 福井由子



    Pasta lunch set for 1000 yen Lots of salad. Ask someone at work to take you there I did. Pasta lunch types are cod roe, There are three types: seafood and meat. I made it with meat sauce. Salad and bread, drinks You can choose. Order and pay in advance at the counter. The store is in front of JR Yasuura Station. There are parking lots in front of the store and on the station side.

  • Bhonsai



    I always love to eat their salads.. especially the hot chocolate perfect for winter season 😍☕

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