Hattendo Cafelie en Mihara

JapónHattendo Cafelie



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒729-0416 Hiroshima, Mihara, Hongōchō Zennyūji, 用倉山10064−190
contactos teléfono: +81 848-86-8622
sitio web: hattendo-village.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.4438007, Longitude: 132.9188257

comentarios 5

  • O. D.

    O. D.


    Outside views are amazing and large seating area. Perfect to enjoy food and nature at the same time. Dessert here is fresh and lots of toppings. #ohdisisgreat

  • Kring Cudiamat (Kei)

    Kring Cudiamat (Kei)


    Good os great!! Worth the price and wait 😅

  • yuja tone

    yuja tone


    the quantity and quality is perfect. taste is really good. the store is clean.

  • nothing to tell

    nothing to tell


    strongly recommended for who passby the Hiroshima airport or going for dearture the hiroshima airport. the spacious cafe with free parking lot. There have only 4 choices of set or a la carte to order. But they are very tasty. after the meal, u can buy some products here from the bakery. the buns are really yummy🤤🤤

  • TS Y (Arkaa)

    TS Y (Arkaa)


    Right next to Hiroshima airport. Came to Jpn with the new silkair SIN-HIJ 5hr50min flight. 30min factory tour from 9.30am. Hattendo八天堂 has a bakery branch next to Tanjong Pagar MRT. Will return and to see if there is difference in taste. The cafe opens from 10am (just nice aft the tour) sweet plate family set comes with free flow drink and bread (~5pax).

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