カフェアルターナ en Higashihiroshima




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1499-1 Kurosechō Ōtada, Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima 739-2611, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 823-82-8646
sitio web: www.cafe-altana.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.3423024, Longitude: 132.6848248

comentarios 5

  • ふじいるみ



    Sweet potato soft 🍠🍦 So delicious!! The soft serve ice cream is not sweet and easy to eat!! It's great that you can eat soybean flour, matcha jelly, and yam without getting bored ♡ All of them have their own rustic taste ♡ Coffee is also refreshing and easy to drink ☕️

  • まんぼにのーにゅ



    We had lunch on the terrace in late May. It was delicious. The coffee was also good.

  • T Kato

    T Kato


    The baked sweet potato soft serve🍠🍨 is super delicious😋 There's a big sweet potato stick and ice cream sprinkled with a little soybean flour, and as you eat it, you'll find matcha jelly at the bottom, making you happy😀 There are many different types available at lunchtime. A lunch menu is also available. If you purchase over 2000 yen, you will receive a free piece of tofu chocolate. I highly recommend it.

  • Yamamoto Kenta

    Yamamoto Kenta


    This is a cafe in Kurose. After lunch, I stopped by for dessert and coffee. This cafe is run by Kokido, who mainly sells Karinto in Higashihiroshima. As expected from a famous store, the soft serve ice cream was also really delicious. Especially the rice cake buried at the bottom? jelly? It had a unique texture and my wife was happy with it. Various kinds of karinto were served during the service, but I would like you to try the very elegant karinto, rather than the karinto that is commonly imagined.

  • s. par

    s. par


    [2022.11.3] 🅿Yes I included it in my eldest son's driving practice route and stopped by. Karinto is the main menu, but you can order coffee and sake lees soda at the cafe, and you can also eat and drink outside. It depends on the type of karinto or the type of material. They seemed to be trying out so many different things that I thought there were probably a lot of things that failed during the trial production, and one of the more popular ones was ``Hiroshima greens from Kawauchi.'' There are many sake breweries that use sake lees, including the local Konko Sake Brewery in Kurose, and a little further away in Saijo. Also lemon and chirimenjako. It's not cheap, but if you buy it as a souvenir, you'll be able to enjoy its unexpectedness. I had a great time while driving.

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