カフェ・マリンミュゼ 日曜館 en Hiroshima

Japónカフェ・マリンミュゼ 日曜館



🕗 horarios

4-chōme-6-2 Yanonishi, Aki Ward, Hiroshima, 736-0085, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 82-888-6937
sitio web: www.marine-musee.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.3511379, Longitude: 132.5321501

comentarios 5

  • BLUE



    This was my first visit to the cafe because I arrived early to go to the eyelash salon and had to make time, but the cafe had a really nice atmosphere with music playing. There were tropical fish in the aquarium, and while I was looking at them, coffee and cake came. Of course the coffee and the cake I ordered were out of stock, but was there a homemade cheesecake to replace it? It was warm, fluffy, and very delicious 😊 They also had alcoholic beverages inside the store, which made me really curious 💙 I plan on coming back when I go to the eyelash salon once a month!

  • ねむ



    Visited for Sunday lunch! The lunch menu comes with coffee after the meal. It was healthy and delicious with lots of vegetables. Of course the coffee was also delicious. There were also seats where you could see a tank of tropical fish. The shopkeeper's wife? The service was pleasant and I was able to spend a comfortable time! I was so happy when he saw me off outside the entrance on the way home and said, ``Please come again soon.'' I will visit you again soon!

  • M



    I was healed by the fish 🐠 Cozy atmosphere and coffee was delicious Sorry for staying so long, thank you very much!

  • Vanki Masayuki

    Vanki Masayuki


    There is also an open terrace outside the store, perfect for smoking a cigarette while waiting for someone to pick you up. The location on the map was different from Bimyeo, so I got a little lost. About 5 meters from the street. There's free Wi-Fi, which I liked.

  • Dinkus Malinkus

    Dinkus Malinkus


    They roast their own coffee, they got bread and they even sell fish. Aqariums seated next to a few tables. Great curry and omarice! I would like to give it at least 4 1/2 stars so I evened out the last review.

Cafetería más cercano

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