Seaside Hotel Maiko Villa Kobe w Kobe

JaponiaSeaside Hotel Maiko Villa Kobe


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Japan, 〒655-0047 Hyogo, Kobe, Tarumi-ku, Higashimaikochō, 18−11 シーサイドホテル舞子ビラ神戸
kontakt telefon: +81 78-706-3711
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 34.6317605, Longitude: 135.0387774

komentarze 5

  • Naomi Kyo

    Naomi Kyo


    Just an old hotel if you are here to see the Akashi bridge. First the google map will route you with a residence way if you navigate to the hotel itself, you need to navigate to location of the front gate to get correct routing. And the signs at the station doesn’t really help, if you take a different exit you won’t see it. Second there is no “check in” sign, just a counter, when nobody is there it’s easy to walk pass it and get lost in the giant hotel (with no one around) third, rooms carpet and stained and rugged. Fourths, very noisy you can hear next door talking, doors snapping. Fifth, lack of signs, I stayed 12th floor and couldn’t find my room number. I wouldn’t recommend this place.

  • Terry Black

    Terry Black


    This place may have qualified as a 4-star resort 20 years ago. Find somewhere else to stay if you are not Japanese. The beds had thin mattresses which were extremely firm. The room door was not sealed. You can see light leaking in from the hallway and hear everybody that walks by. The bathroom fixtures are outdated compared to every other place I've stayed, even a rural ryokan in Shikoku. We received poor service as foreigners despite my wife speaking to all the staff in Japanese. We were turned away from the buffet and told we could try to get seated at the other restaurant. There were plenty of open tables but we were seated away from the tables that had a view. This may seem insignificant but is a common example of how xenophobia manifests in Japan today. The view of the bridge was nice. It was a hilly walk from the train station.

  • Joseph Chow

    Joseph Chow


    The hotel lied west of the city. A private road led to the entrance where the main building was at the hillside. Lift service was provided directly down the slope. The lobby was grand with marble as major material. The front desk staff were capable of speaking different languages. Dining here was a bit expensive. More choices were available outside the hotel if there was transportation. There was abundant lots in the carpark building opposite to the hotel, but the two blocks were separated. A reasonable fee was charged for multiple entries. The ticket needed to be brought to the front desk for clearing before driving out. The room was spacious, and the window provided a spectacular view of the famous bridge. The carpet inside the room was burnt by cigarettes, though there was no odour left. The size of the bathroom was satisfactory. Many personal things could be put inside. The mirror was left with a clear face area after bathing. A beach was just in front of the hotel. Awaji Island was visible. The night scene was attractive. There was onsen in the side building. The swimming pool was just for children playing. Overall, staying in the hotel was enjoyable.

  • Angie Lee

    Angie Lee


    We had a 4-person tatami futon room, very spacious, clean & excellent views overlooking the bridge & ocean. The laundry room & onsen facilities were one of the nicest and beautiful ones. Beautiful garden & surrounding. Abt 7-minute walk to train station & grocery shops. Excellent value for money too.

  • M J

    M J


    Though a little dated the hotel is absolutely clean and has a great breakfast buffet. Prices are good too. The view of the bridge and island is fantastic. The only major downfall are the rock-hard mattresses!

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