
🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒277-0005 Chiba, Kashiwa, 1-chōme−4−5 石戸画材ビル B1
kontakt telefon: +81 50-5485-8780
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Latitude: 35.861011, Longitude: 139.9719121

komentarze 5

  • 山地雅宏



    I was the secretary at work, and I used it at a launch party. I chose this hotel based on a recommendation from a friend, and I would like to express my gratitude to them for accommodating my unexpected reservation changes. This time, we chose the 2-hour all-you-can-drink course for 4,400 yen including tax. The food was delicious and filling, so there was no need for additional dishes (lol). Above all, there was a huge variety of drinks on the menu, and as the organizer, I was relieved to see each table getting excited and asking each other, "What should we drink next?" (bitter smile) Personally, I thought the draft beer 🍺 was delicious, and the shaker demonstration was worth seeing. This is a well-recommended restaurant for organizers who are worried about finding a venue for 25 to 40 people. I think it's best to make an early reservation.

  • 吉澤拓也



    I can't come here at night, so I go there every time for lunch. I've been going twice a month for the past 10 years. The cost performance of the daily lunch special is good, but I'm obsessed with the Yakiniku Salad Rice Medium Size (it's free even up to the middle size, but it's more than a regular large size). It's too great. By the way, my favorite is the Diabala-style breaded chicken that changes daily. The pork stroganoff available in winter is also outstanding! (My friend doesn't like this) Is it Marui or Takashimaya staff during peak hours? It's so busy that you might not be able to get in, so we recommend going as soon as it opens at 11:30, or we recommend a late lunch around 1:30 pm. It closes at 15:30 (LO 15:00), so you can relax even if you arrive at 13:30. I also like iced coffee because it's strong. I just finished eating, but I want to eat more. But the break is almost over, so that's it for today! *Sorry for the lack of photos

  • クリスピー



    Lunch is approximately 1000 yen to 1200 yen. Drinks are an additional charge. There is also a daily lunch special. The hamburger lunch served piping hot on the iron plate comes with salad, soup, and rice. The hamburger sauce includes tomato, Japanese-style grated grater, cheese, and more. It was chewy, soft and very delicious. Recommended for its atmosphere that makes it easy for even one person to come in. Although not all of the staff members are like that, I feel like they are working diligently.

  • M. S.

    M. S.


    It's been a while since I last used it, but I'm a repeat customer! This time as well, I made a reservation for the evening/girls' party plan course. There are many restaurants around Kashiwa Station that offer all-you-can-drink plans, but this one is a great option as it includes all-you-can-drink Heartland (beer) and cocktails made right in front of you for 3 hours. I think it's a good deal. The food is plentiful and satisfying🎵 If you go from the south exit of Kashiwa Station, we recommend it because you can go from the station without getting wet even on rainy days! I would like to use it again!

  • 山みつ



    Thank you for the best birthday wishes. 🙏 It seems that some of the staff members here have graduated from art schools, and they are very happy with the birthday plates. The quality of drawings made with chocolate pens is high, The inside of the store is also decorated with photos of past birthday plates. The food is also delicious. 👍

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