Nakaki w Kashiwa




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒277-0011 Chiba, Kashiwa, Azumakamichō, 1丁目1−17 KIIビル 1F
kontakt telefon: +81 4-7157-3956
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 35.858528, Longitude: 139.9755373

komentarze 5

  • K Gold

    K Gold


    As a token of my filial piety to my parents, who I don't get to see very often, I had a meal with them. Although it was a seasonal course, there was more than I could eat, and all the dishes were delicious and wonderful. It was a shame that there weren't many types of sake because it was the end of the weekend, but even with that in mind, I still gave it a perfect score.

  • hiroshi ogawa

    hiroshi ogawa


    The chef's skills are genuine, having been trained at a famous restaurant in Ginza. And he's good-looking. He looks like Naoto Fujiki. There are two types of course meals: 10,000 yen and 13,000 yen. This time it was a 10,000 yen course, but it was enough to satisfy me. If you want to eat Japanese food in Kashiwa, Nakaki is your only choice. Adios!

  • pi mi

    pi mi


    A new and very clean store. Although it's a little small, it's nice to have a private room. If you were traveling with a child, you could also borrow a child's chair. All the dishes are delicious. In particular, the yuba tofu that came with the appetizer had lots of ginkgo nuts in it, was warm, and very delicious! The sashimi was fresh and the most delicious I've had in a while. There are four types of Wappa rice to choose from, and I chose crab. It was delicious and you could enjoy a variety of flavors such as crab meat, salmon roe, wild vegetables, mentaiko, etc. The pickles and pickled plums are both delicious. The miso soup with crab was also delicious. Dessert is sorbet. For an additional 400 yen, you can get a cake set from his wife's patisserie, and for an additional 200 yen you can order coffee. Ordered the creme brûlée. It came with chestnut ice cream and was delicious. I'll visit you again. thank you.

  • 風澤幹世



    I am having a meal at a family celebration. Since the restaurant was renovated, it has become difficult to make reservations. Recommended! The food is delicious. The dishes that match the season are very delicious ✨

  • tabe bibo

    tabe bibo


    This is a restaurant where you can relax and enjoy Japanese sake with very gentle flavors. Wappameshi can also be taken home as a souvenir, so it's a great service if you're full from the many course meals.

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