Bombay w Kashiwa




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Japan, 〒277-0852 Chiba, Kashiwa, Asahichō, 1-chōme−7−17 中山ビル
kontakt telefon: +81 4-7145-2797
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Latitude: 35.8607699, Longitude: 139.9690691

komentarze 5

  • Mo Mo

    Mo Mo


    Ordered Indian curry and eggs As the description says, it's dry, I can't stop sweating. However, once you finish eating, you feel refreshed. Good taste and quantity of ingredients I'm glad I ordered the eggs too. I was also interested in the extremely spicy Kashmiri curry, but it was barely spicy for an Indian curry, so I probably wouldn't be able to eat it.

  • アラ



    I had been there several times before and I really liked the curry, but I bought the keema curry from the ticket machine and was asked if I wanted naan or rice, and I said rice, but when naan came out, the waiter said, When I told you, you said no, you didn't listen at all and got angry! I should have just forced myself to eat naan, but I wanted it with rice, so I asked for rice +150 yen, which was very unpleasant! The curry I liked here didn't taste as good! It is very disappointing.

  • Joshua Lundquist

    Joshua Lundquist


    It says Japanese curry but it really is Indian curry tailored for Japanese tastes (specifically the pork curry which is sweet, and has a similar taste to Mexican molè). They also have a more authentic Indian curry, Kashmir curry and Keema curry. All served with a huge plate of rice or a huge piece of Naan bigger than your head. Great prices. I recommend the Iced Chai on a summer day. Took off one star for atmosphere only because the place was pretty hot on a 95 degree summer day, but they turned on the A/C once they saw me toweling off my sweat. Great staff and fast service.

  • Masahiro Y

    Masahiro Y


    It’s the same location where Bombay was. The staff were very attentive and professional. It is reasonable price for the full plate with grilled chicken and 2 different types of curry (minced pork, butter chicken, beef, spinach and cheese) you can choose from the menu. The taste and variety of side dishes were very amusing. One thing I would mention is the portion of rice is so big, even for adult men, so I bet that most of people couldn’t finish the rice. It would be nicer if they make the rice portion smaller or make unfinished rice to go.

  • Bobby Nelson

    Bobby Nelson


    It's not bad, but it wasn't great. I had the chicken curry and it was a little bland as well as the rice being very dry. The prices are OK and my friends seemed to like their food, but I wasn't really impressed.

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