Sanno Clinic i Shiraoka

JapanSanno Clinic



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123-1 Teratsuka, Shiraoka, Saitama 349-0214, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 480-93-0311
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.0245479, Longitude: 139.6707304

kommentar 5

  • mmm kkk

    mmm kkk


    Thank you for helping me with the birth of my first and second child. The examination took between 1 and 2 hours depending on the content, and the number of clinics varied depending on the day of the week and time of day. Basically, reservations are made through the app. Although there were only male teachers, I felt very at ease as all the teachers gave detailed explanations and listened to my questions. I was also happy to be able to get 4D echo photos from around 24w. There are two parking lots and one toilet in the first. The maternity set you receive when you are hospitalized contains everything you need, and if you use the special room or private room, you can change the rental pajamas for free every day, so I didn't have to bring anything on my own. There was also a foot massage and shampoo blowout service, which soothed my tired body. The meals are full of vegetables and are very delicious, giving me encouragement during difficult times. They respect the mother's wishes, such as whether mother and child should share a separate room, or whether the mother should breastfeed or use formula. The midwives and nurses were very kind and supportive during postpartum guidance, which was very reassuring. It's such a wonderful hospital that even though it was painful and painful, it became a fond memory. When I was discharged from the hospital, I thought to myself how lucky I was to give birth here.

  • ねこねこ



    I was suddenly unable to return home and was transferred to Sanno Clinic. This was my first caesarean section, and I had done a lot of research on the internet, and I was scared because it said things depended on the doctor's skills, but the local anesthesia worked well, and the surgery took a short time, and I didn't feel any pain at all. It's over. While I was in the hospital, my milk supply was slow and my skin was thin, so they patiently guided me through the steps by using a protector and a breast pump. The rice was also delicious. thank you very much!




    The nurses and all staff are very kind and patient.Thank you

  • ぽよ



    Teachers can nominate. I feel very relieved because I can find and nominate a doctor that suits me ☺️ I had nominated Dr. Shimada. At the end of every medical examination, he kindly asks, ``Do you have any concerns?'' and explains everything carefully! ! Also, the midwives and nurses put the patient first and respond to each person individually! ! There are only truly wonderful people! ! The people at the reception and the pharmacy are not only polite but also kind to me! The people who work at Echo are also kind and give me detailed instructions! In addition, you can easily make, change, and cancel reservations from your smartphone, and if you register your credit card for payment in advance, you can go home straight after the consultation, so you can use your time effectively! ! The best! ! ! ! thank you very much! ! The baby photo space in the new building is also wonderful 💓 It's stylish and I'm happy 💓 I'm also happy to see Miki House wearing clothes from the hospital! ! I'm not thinking about having a third child, but if I were to have one, it would be 100% Sanno! ! I like separate rooms for mother and child, which is great for me! ! It's great to be able to share the same room if you feel like it! ! Both the rice and the snacks were delicious! I was also happy with the postpartum shampoo blowout and foot massage services ☺️

  • Ngan Dang

    Ngan Dang


    Had a really good first visit at Sanno Clinic. They have translator support with many languages. Definitely recommended!!!!

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