Minami-Furuya Hospital i Kawagoe

JapanMinami-Furuya Hospital


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110番地 Kugedo, Kawagoe, Saitama 350-0011, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 49-235-7777
internet side: www.minamifuruya.or.jp
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Latitude: 35.9014721, Longitude: 139.5286703

kommentar 5

  • HAL



    I go first thing in the morning, but if I don't have a reservation, it ends around noon. I do not recommend it if you are unwell due to internal medicine. The examination and reception were very kind and nice. It can't be helped that reservations are prioritized, but since it is not possible to make reservations for the first visit (including those who haven't seen it in a long time), I think it would be better if they could let the general public in after those who have made two or three reservations, instead of just making reservations first. I was surprised that when the person who came after me got angry at the nurse for having to wait too long, she was able to see him right away. Even though I've been waiting for 4 hours, I just won... What is the order for? Even if you make a reservation, it will take an hour. I think you'll have to wait at all hospitals.

  • のりりん



    Even though an ambulance was called to take him to the hospital due to an accident-related injury (a police officer was also called by the paramedics), he was told, ``Don't call an ambulance for injuries of this magnitude.'' The injury only required a few stitches and was bleeding profusely. Also, the nurse had a lot of piercings in her ears. I once worked part-time at a pet hotel, and at that time I was told that accessories were not allowed because if they were to fall, it could cause serious damage, and apparently they were also prohibited at restaurants, but I was not allowed to wear them at medical institutions. I wondered what it was like to have so many piercings.

  • ヨシテルマツムラ



    Unlike other doctors, the doctor named Yamaura doesn't have many patients waiting, or he makes them wait a long time even though there are none. Even after a patient leaves the room, it is difficult to call the next person. This is the first time that I have not made a reservation or specified a time. Responsible person: Please be careful.

  • そよ風



    Today, when I asked the receptionist at the green counter where it was, I got into number 〇〇! It was unpleasant to be told so coldly, and as soon as I entered the examination room, there was no response even when I greeted him, and he suddenly asked me about my symptoms, so I couldn't calm down and go to the hospital.Maybe the attending doctor was in a bad mood, but the entire hospital I don't know if it's a problem, but I've been to various hospitals, but this is the first time I've been treated like this! It was a shame because the general guide and the nurse in the examination room were polite and kind.

  • mikan seena

    mikan seena


    I go to the orthopedic clinic once a month. I am very satisfied with my doctor, but I am very dissatisfied with the hospital system. First of all, the flow of hand disinfection, temperature checks, and health status checks near the entrance, which are done at all hospitals, is not good. There is only one hand sanitizing station and one temperature check, so there is a traffic jam every time. Then, you will be asked to wait at the cold entrance where the wind blows. It's difficult even for me as an orthopedic surgeon, so I think it would be quite difficult if you were in a condition that required you to go to an internal medicine clinic. Secondly, it seems that the operation of the automatic reception machine is difficult for elderly people to understand. I see many people who are confused and ask for help from those around them. In fact, there have been many times when I have been approached by someone next to me while I was operating the machine. Lastly, the wait time for checkout is too long. Also, I would like something to be done about the poor setup of being asked to fill out documents at the accounting stage. I have been waiting for a long time, so if you give me the documents first, I will be able to fill them out. I'm currently going to the hospital due to unavoidable circumstances, so when I go to pick up my documents next month, I won't be able to go back. This hospital is recommended for people who have plenty of time and don't mind waiting a long time.

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