Tsurumi Neuro Hospital i Koga

JapanTsurumi Neuro Hospital


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813 Kamikatata, Koga, Ibaraki 306-0128, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 280-77-2222
internet side: tsurumihospital.com
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Latitude: 36.22063, Longitude: 139.7961354

kommentar 5

  • K-おおぬき



    I will answer the questions of everyone who has complained about Tsurumi Brain Nerve! First of all, the doctor everyone is calling a bad doctor is Professor Matsu○ of Jichi Medical University! A friend of mine was also yelled at at Jichi Medical University. I myself have been examined by Dr. Hososhima, the vice director here! My family is also being examined by the director! These two have previously been listed in a book as Japan's top neurosurgeons, and their explanations are thorough, so I highly recommend them. However, Professor Matsu○, who was rushed to see Dr. Hososhima, said, ``Dizziness is such a convenient word!'' Everyone makes a lot of noise about being dizzy. If my headache was an emergency, I wouldn't be able to come by myself, so I guess I'm just being spoiled. ” I was told! 💢I want his medical license revoked. So Director Tsurumi and Vice Director Hososhima are definitely the ones. This hospital has 6-7 neurosurgeons, so it really depends on the doctor!

  • 鹿野初子



    My mother had a cerebral infarction and was hospitalized here for the first time, but regarding the treatment, Thank you for helping me get better, and JoJo has helped me recover. However, I was surprised at how unfriendly the nurses were! Usually it's a smile, isn't it? If you are unfriendly, you will not be able to be hospitalized due to anxiety! What's more, I thought it was safe because she was in the hospital, but when I went to visit my mother, when I was changing my mother's clothes, I noticed that my mother was on my back. I had a bruise and was shocked! If my cerebral infarction occurs again, I plan to have him hospitalized in a different location! With this, I can't be hospitalized with peace of mind! Well, what do you think about patients being so harsh? I think it's better to think about the people who will be hospitalized here, but each person is different, so I think it's better to think about it when you hospitalize them! It seems like it was handled very poorly! Should I sue for the bruise? I'm thinking! The man who rehabilitated my mother was kind. The response was very good!

  • ももぎー



    I went to the emergency room and had a CT scan done, and the results showed no abnormalities. I'm sorry for taking such a long time, but the place where I hit it wasn't good, and I was feeling nausea and pain, so I went there because I was worried, but I was talking about unrelated mental issues. It was painful. People who work on mental health tend to go to many different places, so I thought I had to stop them here. Something was said to me. People who are mentally ill don't have panic disorder because they like it. I mean, is it okay for a doctor to say something like this to a patient? I was so tired on the way home that I cried.

  • ああ



    I slipped on the stairs this morning and hit my head, so I decided to see a doctor for the first time just in case. However, when I told the unfriendly receptionist that I would like to see a doctor, he told me that our clinic only requires reservations. Since it was my first visit, I didn't realize that reservations were required, and it was my fault that I went without knowing that, but I felt a little uncomfortable at how unfriendly the explanation was. I'm sorry.

  • Julie Tenorio

    Julie Tenorio


    I wanted to know the days they are open

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