Sanguchi Hospital en Nagoya

JapónSanguchi Hospital


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Japan, 〒457-0836 Aichi, Nagoya, Minami Ward, Kafukuhontōri, 3丁目28
contactos teléfono: +81 52-611-6561
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Latitude: 35.0919537, Longitude: 136.9132872

comentarios 5

  • K k

    K k


    I went to a meeting the other day. Due to my work, I could only go on Saturday evening, so the meeting was just about to end. When I was unable to do so, I asked the man at the reception desk, who responded kindly to me, and I was able to meet him safely. I am grateful to the nurses and office staff for their warm support.

  • gure ita

    gure ita


    The female clerk at the reception desk is This was my second time and I hadn't received my medical card yet, so I asked for a receptionist, but I don't know if it was because I was about to take a break or something. "Huh!? What's with your legs!?" he yelled in a quarrelsome manner. If I repeat it again “Name!” When you say your name “Date of birth!!” If you tell it in the Western calendar "Showa!!!" I was glared at and yelled at until the end. I went to the back and was handed a piece of paper with a number written on it without a word. He's clearly the type of person who takes his bad feelings out on his patients. The doctor was very good and all the nurses were very kind and worked hard, which I am grateful for. I would have given it a 5 star if it weren't for this receptionist who is the most arrogant even though he doesn't contribute much to the patients.

  • joy



    Bad attitude of receptionist and office staff. There are only people who can only speak in unfriendly and cold ways. The patient is not referred to as ``this person,'' and the wording is not correct. There is a high probability that I will see a dispute between the receptionist and the patient. I can see that he is having a hard time explaining it. It would be better to review the reception staff and office staff.

  • ソフトホン



    Physicians and nurses exchange their work as they see fit. A doctor's hospital that cannot be trusted or trusted. It is best to avoid it unless there are exceptional circumstances. I had surgery for a broken leg, but I was so scared that the surgeon was listening to other doctors while doing the surgery. I stayed as the doctor in charge, but when I made my rounds, I just called out to him randomly and couldn't even talk to him. Even when I tried to check with the nurse, all she said was to come see the doctor. Even if you have not completely recovered, you may be discharged from the hospital at the nurse's discretion. Probably committed medical malpractice It's better not to have your precious family seen here. It's a stressful hospital with a 2 hour wait for checkout.

  • ch su

    ch su


    I think I got a bad doctor, but I don't want to go there again. I couldn't help but laugh when the first thing I said when I entered the examination room was, "You look fine." If I were fine, I wouldn't have come. I wrote on the medical questionnaire that I had a low-grade fever for a long time, a runny nose, and a cough, but after various tests, I was told that it was not pneumonia, and that my blood test showed an abnormal value for one item, but I don't think it has anything to do with it. The cause of the continued pain was unknown, and the medical examination ended without knowing the prescription for the medication. I checked in at 4:30pm and left the hospital at 7pm. When paying the bill, I was asked to bring change, then I had to wait quite a while (I think they were on the phone. Someone else should do it), and when I thought it was an in-hospital prescription, I was given an out-of-hospital prescription. The pharmacy closes at 7pm, so if you hurry, I think you can make it in time.'' I felt dizzy. What I was prescribed was cough syrup, antibiotics, and Calonal tablets even though I had a slight fever. No medicine was given to suppress the runny nose. I feel like I paid a lot of money and wasted my time.

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