Daido Hospital en Nagoya

JapónDaido Hospital



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9番地 Hakusuichō, Minami Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 457-8511, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 52-611-6261
sitio web: daidohp.or.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0748582, Longitude: 136.907075

comentarios 5

  • life umauma

    life umauma


    I came for an emergency, but the waiting time was too long. Isn't there no point in calling it an emergency? Don't you think about people's pain and suffering? It's called priority. Isn't the waiting time really too long? I think it's important to feel safe in a hospital, right? I can't feel it much Because there are basically a lot of spoilers. This is my second emergency. I won't be visiting the hospital again.

  • yukari



    In October 2020, I lost my father after undergoing surgery for bile duct cancer in late May. Both the nurses on the ward and the new nurses were very kind to me. I think it was a major surgery that took a lot of time for both my doctor and my doctor. On the 4th day after the surgery, there was a report of massive bleeding, and the patient survived, but from then on, various other complications such as bacteremia and sepsis occurred, and the family was called by the attending physician to discuss the situation. At that time, I said, ``Why don't you ask the doctor at Meidai University, who has a special team for bile duct cancer, to perform the surgery?'' I still have the recording, but I didn't want him to say those words. My father, who never thought he would die, had quietly left a will in the box where his health insurance policy and other documents were kept, just in case, when he was in critical condition.I discovered it and read it. When my father recovered and came back, I think he threw it away without telling his family. He wrote about his home building and land, his mother, his two beloved dogs, and his beloved granddaughter. Ask your doctor ↑ as mentioned above. “If I don’t perform the surgery.” When we talked, I told him about this will, but he said, ``Please discuss that with your family.'' ” was the reply. It was truly a sad death for both my family and my father, and I still feel the heartbreak and sadness of losing him. After 49 days I asked the head nurse and other nurses to say hello. At that time, my father, who did not even make a single complaint to his family about his pain or want to go home, would sometimes burst into tears in front of the head nurse and say, ``I wonder how I got so sick.'' I cried again when I heard that story. I have nothing but gratitude to the head nurses and the young people who are just starting out as nurses. I have nothing to thank my doctor for. My words, ``I would appreciate it if you could bring me home alive,'' are all the feelings of the bereaved family. I wonder if he would have lived a few more years if he had had the surgery at Meidai, where I had heard that bile duct and gallbladder cancer patients gather from all over the country. And everything becomes Tarareba. It was an experience that was engraved in my mind, saying that it's better to really think about choosing a hospital, including taking in-house advice.

  • つよぽん



    In recent years, we have been using gastrocameras and colon cameras during medical checkups. As a matter of fact, I'm not good with endoscopic cameras, so the anesthetic treatment reduces my consciousness, which is a great relief! It's a large medium-sized hospital that serves as the last bastion of local medical care in the Tokai area, so make sure to make an appointment. I can understand that the waiting time is long. Rather than that...I want them to prioritize being able to provide the latest medical care. We want our hospital to be a place that can provide peace of mind to the people of the community at all times. I go to Starbucks every time after my medical checkup! It relieves my stress and makes me feel better.

  • ミッフィーミッフィー



    I was admitted to the hospital for wisdom tooth surgery for the first time as an oral surgeon. Bone is removed to remove wisdom teeth that have entered the gums. By invitation, I was hospitalized for a day under general anesthesia for the first time. I was told that I might remain paralyzed, but there was no paralysis. There are no infections and they give us lots of medicine for infections. The stitches were successfully removed. The detailed process is that you will be admitted to the hospital from around 9am on the day of surgery, but the hospital room will be It was a large, pink-based room for four people, and it was beautiful. There was a locked shelf, a free Wi-Fi spot, and an outlet. There is a water server in the dining room for tea and water. Paper cups too. The room has a toilet and sink. I received an intravenous drip before the surgery. Also an explanation of the facility environment. After the explanation, please wait in the room until you are called. I went to the operating room and was given general anesthesia, which made me unconscious immediately. Before I knew it, it was over. I went there with an intravenous drip attached. By the way, if you have surgery late, you may not be able to eat dinner. I thought it would be a good idea to schedule the surgery before I can eat. I've been fasting since midnight the day before, so if I don't eat, I won't be able to eat for the whole day. The hospital food was also very delicious and was basically porridge. All the nurses were kind. I've never been hospitalized anywhere else so I don't know. My impression was that they were kind and not uncomfortable. The total price was around 60,000 yen. before surgery My impression is that it's a bit of a plus because I have to go to the hospital and have some blood tests. After the surgery is over, I will be administering intravenous pain medication and other things for now. When I got out of the hospital with the image of being on an intravenous drip all the time, I was given Loxonin. Reduces pain. The pain was on the day I had my tooth pulled. It didn't hurt at all, but the next night it started to hurt a lot. Without Loxonin, I was at a dangerous level and had to repeatedly take medicine and sleep. I was in bed for the second day, so I was able to work after being discharged from the hospital. I would have been better off if I had taken a couple of days off. Because each person is different. The swelling was quite swollen. It gradually went away and I thought it was a daily medicine. After a week, the swelling and pain were gone. I had a hard time choosing between various hospitals, but I'm glad I chose this one. It's a shame that we can't meet because of the coronavirus, but it can't be helped. Other than that, there weren't many complaints.

  • Dr. Strange

    Dr. Strange


    The teachers are very nice and know how to get find out what's wrong with my body and what kind of medicines to give.For example, if your a kid and the doctor gives you a medicine that doesn't have any side effects to your body.

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