Nagoya Ekisaikai Hospital en Nagoya

JapónNagoya Ekisaikai Hospital



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4-chōme-66 Shōnenchō, Nakagawa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 454-0854, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 52-652-7711
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.1199245, Longitude: 136.8734268

comentarios 5

  • Quny



    It's one of the largest hospitals in Nakagawa Ward, and the parking lot is vast, so it's not inconvenient to get there by car. The hospital is overflowing with people, but everything from the reception for the first visit to the checkout is systemized, so once you get used to it, you won't be confused. Once you're over a certain age, you need regular checkups for your body, and this time I visited for blood tests, urine tests, and internal organ imaging tests. It was my first time to have a visceral imaging test, and it was also my first time receiving a contrast agent drip. Hospitals are now not only places where sick people go, but also places where healthy people can regularly check to see if there are any abnormalities in their bodies. We especially recommend this clinic for those seeking the latest medical care as it has an advanced testing system that is not available at local town doctors.

  • Traveller World

    Traveller World


    Looking at the reviews, some people say they should have gone sooner or not, but the sooner the illness is cured, the better. The more you hold back, the heavier and more urgent it becomes. If you feel uncomfortable, go to the hospital as soon as possible and get treatment. The longer it is too late, the fewer treatment options there are. I think that the Exai Society holds various training and study sessions and is working on new treatments every day. I had the surgery, and the appointment was surprisingly quick. If this were a university hospital, it would be a year away. I felt comfortable during my stay in the hospital. I want newcomers to gain more experience and grow day by day.

  • mi



    A few years ago, I worked at a pediatrician's clinic, and I felt sick because the head nurse named Yama○ was getting angry at his subordinate nurses in plain view of the patients. Also, when I left my seat for a while with the bed rail lowered, I was surprised and offended by the teacher who happened to come to greet me and admonish me in a strong tone. He came to greet me and said he was the ward head, so I'm pretty sure he was the ward head. The other doctors and nurses seemed busy, but I was grateful for their kindness. However, you can tell the level of the hospital by seeing the number one at the top.

  • Yagya Budathoki

    Yagya Budathoki


    So bad We enter 22:30 wait till 1:00 am but we didn’t get the results from doctor then we left the hospital

  • Narayan



    Very courteous staff, Nurses and doctors.You can feel Japanese Omotenashi, even in a hospital here. Excellent facilities. Amazing people with total dedication. I haven't seen anywhere in the world with so kind and helpful Nurses, staff and doctors. No doubt why Japan is called as the land of hospitality.Don't worry, even if you don't know English. Some of the Doctors can speak English and solve your problems. Even some of the Nurses try with little English.

El hospital más cercano

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