Ryokan Yoshidaya en Yamagata

JapónRyokan Yoshidaya


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13 Zaōonsen, Yamagata, 990-2301, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 23-694-9223
sitio web: zao-yoshidaya.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.1684675, Longitude: 140.3968893

comentarios 5

  • Ram Man

    Ram Man


    Amazing, the staff are nice, the location is great and the food was delicious. It's near two public onsen and they give free tickets. The lady speaks English so there won't be a problem with foreign travelers. The place is a bit old given that it is 350 years old from the Edo period. Even so, if you want to experience traditional and authentic Japanese Ryokan, this is the place. Given a chance, I'll book the same place if I come back.

  • Valentin Mena-Morales

    Valentin Mena-Morales


    The owners were very nice and always ready to help and give us any info. The ryokan is a bit of a maze at first, but that's part of its charm. Well situated in Zao Onsen, I would recommend spending some time there.

  • Timothy Kenyon

    Timothy Kenyon


    A very authentic Ryokan experience with an excellent hot spring bath! Yoshidaya Ryokan is a beautifully presented traditional ryokan. Its right in the middle of the old part of Zao Onsen surrounded by historic buildings. This is a traditional Ryokan so be prepared to walk up stairs and use shared facilities. The rooms are very warm and comfortable and the Ryokan facilities are well presented and clean. The Hot Spring bath was wonderful! I will be staying at Yoshidaya again!

  • Zhen Wei Ang

    Zhen Wei Ang


    Do not expect hotel-like grandness in this ryokan. Yoshidaya is a no-pretence, peaceful ryokan with traditional interior. Female boss is fluent in English and Japanese, and is always ready to render help or give recommendation. Simple traditional breakfast available, order one day in advance. Room is fitted with gas heater during winter. Yukata and towels provided. Onsen is free and comes with shampoo.

  • Pharanya Phramphun

    Pharanya Phramphun


    Doesn't exist in this location. This hotel has to search as "吉田屋旅館(蔵王温泉 旅館 外国人 外国人旅行客 ペットと泊まれる宿 ペット同伴 ペットと旅行 外国人歓迎宿)" which is close to the Zao bus stop. Don't search as English language "Yoshidaya Ryokan" However, this Ryokan is very nice and warm welcom.

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