Hotel Oak hill en Yamagata

JapónHotel Oak hill


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756 Zaōonsen, Yamagata, 990-2301, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 23-694-2110
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Latitude: 38.1717493, Longitude: 140.3965194

comentarios 5

  • 仕事終わりの1杯の為に



    I stayed overnight while snowboarding in April, which was past its peak. Although it was a new building and not a beautiful building, I was able to sleep soundly without being bothered by any unsanitary areas or noise. I was also impressed with the behavior of the staff. The food was delicious, but it would have been better if we could have eaten indoors since we had to go to the dining room. I was satisfied because it was close to the ski slopes and the price was cheap. I would have added a star if there was a special impression (the food was extremely delicious, the atmosphere in the bath was great, etc.), but I didn't have any such experience, so I gave it 3 stars. I gave it 3.5 stars because the room had a bath. When asked if I would stay there again, my honest opinion is that I would like to try out other accommodation facilities, but I definitely do not return.

  • 田場裕子



    Zao Onsen is an old hot spring town, so I don't think there are any new hotels...However, the owner and staff of Oak Hill (Hotel), which we (my husband and Wans) took care of last year and this year's Golden Week, I think they are very attentive and have kept the rooms and tatami mats new and clean, both last year and this year. You can choose the size and pattern of the yukata to your liking. There are indoor baths, rock baths, and open-air baths, and the scent of sulfur is always present. It was a wonderful hotel that would relieve your stress and fatigue and make you want to go again during your summer vacation.

  • Ing Reils

    Ing Reils


    We loved our 5 night stay at Oak Hill. We chose not to have meals and found restaurants within walking distance. It is an older style hotel but very comfortable. The onsens were great and alternated between men and women so we could try them all. It's an easy walk up the hill to the ski lifts. The staff were incredibly kind and helpful. There were great little treats left in the room each day. Futons were comfy. Very affordable and highly recommended. Thanks Oak Hill for helping us to have a fantastic stay at zao onsen.

  • Green Odori

    Green Odori


    I visited here for a day trip. There are on indoor bath and two outdoor baths. The facilities are clean. There are lockers. The water is 100% natural hot spring without circulation.

  • Angela Chen

    Angela Chen


    The hospitality in this hotel is absolutely wonderful. The food is delicious, room is spacious and clean, the outdoor bath is amazing, and it is very close to the lift (3 min walk).

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