Le Vert Zao en Yamagata

JapónLe Vert Zao


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878-5 Zaōonsen, Yamagata, 990-2301, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 23-694-9351
sitio web: www.levert-zao.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.1660937, Longitude: 140.3988461

comentarios 5

  • Misha Coleman

    Misha Coleman


    Couldn’t recommend this accomodation highly enough!! The food was truly terrific and we worked out a route to ski in and ski out!

  • A. Mei

    A. Mei


    We have been staying at Le verr Zao for 3 nights. Before we leave the hotel, we decided to paint a kokeshi for Kawazaki San ( the owner of the hotel). We stayed 3 nights at #LeVertZao. Before we left the hotel, we decided to send the Kawasaki hotel owner to draw a kokeshi #Kokeshi, thank her and the team for their attentive service these days. As mentioned earlier, the entire ski town hotels, restaurants and ski resorts are not yet fully open. However, we were lucky enough to book a stay at #LeVertZao. She made the kids feel like they were back at Grandma's house for the holidays. Lovely! She's well connected in this town too... On the second day of this trip we needed a coach and she managed to help us to find one at a much cheaper cost than what I had previously booked. This hotel is equipped with a ski rental service. I have to say that the equipment rental fee is much cheaper than other places. The owner helped us adjust the Ski Boots, and the right fitting fits perfectly. This ski trip was less frustrating than our previous experiences in Hakuba. The ski equipment is also new. We only book the breakfast set, and his breakfast doesn't feel boring at all, and they served a variety of breakfasts every day. We also met Khadka from Nepal who is also a designer and he speaks good English and Japanese. He was very attentive to our requests and activities arrangements. If you are planning a trip here and want to ease all the hassles. I would definitely recommend you this hotel to plan your trip and activities with them, hopefully it eases your brain😜 Hotel equipment: 1. Washing machine self service (free) 2. Shuttle bus services 3. In door onsen 4. Ski equipment renting services 5. Room setting ryokan / western style

  • Cindy Ishino

    Cindy Ishino


    The building is old with history. Staffs are friendly while the hot spring pool is relaxing. The room is cozy and big.

  • Jak Hsu

    Jak Hsu


    poor service. very old room. osen is good. never again

  • Simon Hayward

    Simon Hayward


    Close to ski runs. Van has 'Vert :A four seasons resort' on the side. I say this as we didn't catch it as I thought it was a different resort (i.e. a four seasons resort... like the USA chain)... but they mean a resort fpr all four seasons!. It's a bit of a walk from the bus station, so get the van or arrange pick up prior by phone if possible. Limited english, but very helpful. Thin matresses in Japanese rooms so hard floor to sleep on. No extra matresses spare either. Can get cheaper lift tickets at hotel... but cash only. Room was good. Onsen was small but good too. Would stay there again.

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