Gokan-no-yu Tsuruya en Yamagata

JapónGokan-no-yu Tsuruya



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710 Zaōonsen, Yamagata, 990-2301, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 23-694-9112
sitio web: www.tsuruyahotel.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.1675819, Longitude: 140.3941792

comentarios 5

  • Sofia Whitman

    Sofia Whitman


    Do not waste your money on this property. I partially blame Expedia for this disaster of hotel and booking. There is no way to book directly with the hotel so I was forced to use a third party booking site. This hotel scams people for extra money, the rooms are dirty, you don't get what you pay for. I was forced to cancel and rebook another hotel.

  • Chiang Hui Lin

    Chiang Hui Lin


    Everything was great. The food, the service and the staff. Private baths are available for booking, very pretty. There is 1 free slot avail per day and we are free to add on if we wish at an extra cost. Staff were patient and attentive. Food was great and the staff explained our food to us really well. Thank you for a great stay!

  • Thant Zaw Aung

    Thant Zaw Aung


    The best stay ever! Location was right infront of the bus terminal. Staff were attentive and so so kind, food was amazing and we couldn’t ask for me. Only thing to take note is that the establishment has a long history so do not expect modern type of renovations. Everything was so great and we can’t wait to return again. Couldn’t be more happy.

  • Gwendalin Chiu

    Gwendalin Chiu


    Stayed here for 11 nights in Feb this year for snowboarding, all the staff is super nice and friendly, will definitely come back again! They have shuttle bus to take you/ pick you up to/from different entrance of the snow park. (If you don’t have a Japan number you can confirm with the reception the pickup time before you leave the ryokan.) Huge dry room for snow gears. Ryokan guest enjoys one hour of private onsen daily, there are four for you to choose from. Reserve the one you like in the morning to secure it! Convenient location as well as its right opposite to the Zao bus terminal.

  • Green Odori

    Green Odori


    I visited here for a day trip. Four private bath rooms were occupied, so we used the public bathroom. There are both indoor and outdoor baths. The water is 100% natural hot spring without circulation. The water is cloudy green with a smell of hydrogen sulfide. At the inflow of the hot spring, there is a slight smell of oil and sewage in a good meaning. There are six showers for body wash. The facilities are old but clean and the staffs are super nice.

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