Ryokan Kohro i Kyoto

JapanRyokan Kohro


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114 Horinouechō, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-8117, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 75-221-7807
internet side: www.kohro.com
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Latitude: 35.0075737, Longitude: 135.7634009

kommentar 5

  • nicole yip

    nicole yip


    Lobby looks super beautiful but room is too old, toilet smelling, air conditioning so dirty, no idea why people gave high rates.

  • Minseo Kang

    Minseo Kang


    We stayed with 2kids(3y&6y) for one night. Everyone in my family enjoyed the stay and satisfied with the service! Location is great! Take about 10mins walk and you walk through the Nishiki market from the station. Got coffee shops and shoppings near by. About 10min taxi ride to Kiyomizu-dera temple. Service was amazing for us! Bringing in breakfast and dinner to your room. They even prepared kids meal for both meals! It was very nice of them! We were looking for the traditional ryokan& kaiseki experience in kyoto and it perfectly meets our expectation! I would stay here again in the future.

  • Darren Meehan

    Darren Meehan


    Great experience of a traditional Ryokan. We had a private onsen in our room which was a delightful treat. Staff were extremely helpful. We stayed for one night which was enough for us to experience a Ryokan.

  • Nicole Mandelli

    Nicole Mandelli


    I’m honestly surprised this is rated like a 3 star hotel. We had such a great stay! We were there for 5 nights: we are a couple in our 30ies from Italy with a 2yo. The room was perfect: spacious, comfortable futon, nice Japanese toilet. The staff left us sweets for us twice per day and also a new yukata every day (even for my son). For women, they let you pick the yukata design you prefer. I wish I could have bought a couple of them but they weren’t on sale. When I booked, I didn’t remember reading about a public bath they have, so it was a pleasant surprise when we arrived. We used to start and finish our days in there, so relaxing! Everyone was very kind and helpful. Can’t recommend enough!

  • Matija Bečirević

    Matija Bečirević


    Staff has below average english skills, but the stay was pleasant and the room was clean. Breakfast varies between days but it is below average - fish is overcooked, tofu is non-optional, and the rest is unremarkable. Interesting experience, wouldn’t recommend staying for longer than 1 night

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