Nine Hours Kyoto i Kyoto

JapanNine Hours Kyoto


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588 Teianmaenochō, Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto, 600-8031, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 75-353-7337
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Latitude: 35.0026498, Longitude: 135.7666471

kommentar 5

  • Karim Diestelmann

    Karim Diestelmann


    We slept here one night and I would not do it again. We chose this hotel because we wanted to try a "real" capsule hotel but if this is the only reason to go here - don't do it. In generell, the experience was okay, the staff friendly and the place clean. However, the locker is pretty small for a backpack, the lockers/bathroom are on a different level than the cabins. The cabins are nice but the mattress is thin and my sleep alarm didn't work at all....and despite being futuristic there is no usb socket. It was a nice try but the next time I will choose any other hostel where I find capsules as well and furthermore a more lively atmosphere and places to hang out at as the "lounge" is only a couple of seats in the entrance area.

  • Renato Santos

    Renato Santos


    Very comfortable bed, although it is a “capsule” concept, hotel offers many amenities: toothbrush and toothpaste, shower towel, pajamas, shampoo, liquid soap. You can keep your bag and some clothes in a locker. Overall cleaning is very good! I do recommend for those who want to expend few money and does not demand huge room and luxury. Hotel location is fine, it has many restaurants and shops just 5 minutes away. Also easy to go for subway stations.

  • J C

    J C


    Nothing particularly exciting, but decent if you simply need a place to stay on the cheap. Capsule was pretty comfortable, but the airconditioning inside was slightly weak by my preferences. Pillow and mattress were on the firm side, so do take that into consideration if you're not used to firm sleeping surfaces. Unlike other capsule hotels, this one gives you free usage of a locker, so the paranoid traveler can have more peace of mind when leaving their belongings. Toilets and showers are in a shared space of course, but the booths are well designed and give a comfortable sense of privacy, so even the shy traveller can do their business at ease. Most importantly, everything is well maintained and clean. Definitely up to Japanese standards.

  • Marcus R

    Marcus R


    Futuristic hostel with pod looking sleeping halls. Each pod is equipped with a charger outlet and reading light. Beds and pillows are quite hard but comfy. Plenty of showers fully equipped with soap, shampoo and conditioner. Every pod is provided with a locker for storage of luggage, but large suitcases will not fit and have to be left in the lobby. Overall we liked this hostel, it's very clean and the futuristic space look of it makes it very interesting. It is quite overpriced compared to other hostels and it might not be recommended for those that are claustrophobic.

  • Kristen Palmer

    Kristen Palmer


    The staff were friendly and the amenities were clean and had a cool futuristic aesthetic. The capsule was comfortable enough. It was too warm with the provided "inside clothes." It was a bit difficult to get a full night's sleep, as a light sleeper. You can hear the other guests coming into the sleeping room at all hours and everyone has trouble operating their privacy shade quietly. Every single attempt is accompanied by banging. It was reasonably priced, though. I would recommend if you are a good sleeper.

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